Japanese Toy and Candy Design. Kids must learn a lot of early self control in Japan. If you had intense packaging like that here, our youngins would either wimper with visual overload or go into hyper parental nag mode: It has giant bright cartoon colours and cute bug-eyed animals, must have, buy them now Mom! Oh, and defintiley turn on the music as you browse the site.
Japan Package Design
5 Responses to “Japan Package Design”
Hi, this is Kaz, im currently studying communication design in Australia, and ive been intereseted in packaging for quite long, not only package from my own country( japan by the way). Now I am studying overseas and learning other perspective that i may not have, i got the chance to write an essay about japanese packaging, and my knowledge is very limited, and i was just wondering if you could give me some information about those japanese packaging from perspective from western desinger or even the some names of Japanese packaging designer. thanks
Hi Kaz, I don’t know anything about package design (esp. in Japan). A peer of mine recently wrote a short academic paper on Tazo Tea package design…I’ll see if I can forward that to you.
Hi, I’ m a student of Science of Communication of the university of studies of Salerno(Italy),
I’m sorry for my english…
Please can you give me some links books or informations about Japanese Packaging ….because this is subject of my thesis…Please.
Thank you!!!! -
Hi Jeff,
I am a design student from in UNSW College of Fine Arts, Australia, currently doing a research about Tazo Tea packaging. I came across your comment about your friend wrote a paper about Tazo tea packaging design while surfing the web. Would that be possible if I could read it?
Thank you
Gloria -
Hoi Jeff,
Ik ben een student aan de 1e graads leraaropleiding beeldende vakken aan de HKU in Utrecht en ben nu bezig met een lessenserie met als onderwerp verpakkingen ontwerpen en heb de Karitsu sunumi als inspiratiebron voor de leerlingen genomen. Ik heb dit onderwerp ook gebruikt voor mijn eindexamen-scriptie voor de kunstacademie in 1995.
Ik kon uw artikel helaas niet openen; ik zou graag nog meer informatie hebben.Ik heb een Japanse huisgenoot dus als U nog wat Japanse websites over dit onderwerp weet?
Alvast bedankt,
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