Spent Monday morning tutoring the Writing 216 class at the University of Victoria. 216 is a four-month magazine journalism class I’ve been called in to regularly over the past year in order to orient students with designing, directing and printing a final-project magazine with Quark and now InDesign. I outline the major issues they can expect to encounter, how to interact with a print shop, then do some hands-on InDesign presentations like editing and importing images and setting up style sheets.
The class emphasis is on writing, not technical design, so I’m there to help make sure no last minute tech disasters keep the groups from having a cool new portfolio addition. I took the class myself during my undergrad, as well as its third-year equiv., so I empathize with and understand and have seen first hand the whole disaster potential. I usually get a few last-minute cries for help before the end of April and the project’s due date. So if you’re a 216er reading this, don’t hesitate to email/call me.
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