Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Timeline (process)

Self-directed project in progress, inspired/spurred by a friend who made a similar timeline of her life for my clarity and memory (sick of repeating herself). Interesting exercise in info-design, self-centredness and figuring out just what’s been important over the past 26 years.
Notes on a piece of scrap paper of significant events.
Simple linear timeline made in Illustrator, with text of sig. events.
Blocking out events.
Further blocking to organize and quick-visualize.
More complex information. Working out presentation and further editing problems.






8 Responses to “Timeline (process)”

  1. Andreas Avatar

    This is good practice. Can’t wait till you publish “The Collected Crimes of Jeffrey Werner.”

  2. Dylan Avatar
  3. Bradford Avatar

    World Headline News: Jeff Werner dumps tar all aover trafagar junior high

  4. Dave Avatar

    Oh my god, this is a really neat idea! And I love the layout presented at the end of the page. Is that idea run of the mill in software now days, or did you put that together? Think I might be stealing that layout for some future work.

  5. Jeff Werner Avatar

    @Andreas: Looks like Brad will publish it for me.
    @Dylan: You are YOUNG.
    @Bradford: Hey, my secrets.
    @Dave: The idea was mine, Dave. Feel free to take it, though I’m not convinced it is the best method or what I will finally decide on. Depends on your audience, content, etc.

  6. Amanda Avatar

    How will I ever out-do you?
    I wasn’t expecting this to be such a big ordeal.. but I must say, it’s very flattering.

  7. Julius Davies Avatar

    Hi, Jeff,
    I think it’s gorgeous! Personally I quite like all of these together. The scrap of paper at the top with the “complex information” at the bottom but still not quite done. As life evolves, so does our packaging and presentation and “identity management” of our selves. Eventually our packaging eclipses us and becomes us. Mind you I’m probably just projecting my own issues.
    I never want to see the finished product.
    I wonder if people who don’t know you (so completely anonymous) would still be engaged by the piece? Maybe in the right context, with the right frame? Maybe nail a 20″ IMac to an art-gallery wall, turned on to this blog entry? Oooo thought of a title: “Adultery”. Sorry sorry sorry, so tacky and so self-indulgent of me. I really don’t feel qualified to say any of this stuff.
    I find the girlfriends poignant.
    Maybe to make everyone jealous you should throw in a fictional threesome attached to “loss of virginity” for 1990. j/k ;-)

  8. Ross Angus Avatar
    Ross Angus

    I have always liked the mysterious Jeff. My knowledge of Jeff is filled with half truths and allusions to tragic events. I suppose it was his adoptive gypsy parents that taught him not reveal too much.
    Also you are starting too small. Think Wikijeff.

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