Page 22
In 1951, Isaiah Berlin wrote an essay about War and Peace and gave it a room-emptying title: “Leo Tolstoy’s Historical Skepticism.” Berlin’s publisher loved the essay but hated the headline, so he changed the title to something catchier: “The Hedgehog and the Fox,” after the Greek adage, “The fox knows many things; the hedgehog knows one big thing.” The retitled essay helped make Berlin famous.
Page 54
The MFA is the new MBA.
Page 109
As Alan Kay, a Hewlett-Packard executive and cofounder of Xerox PARC, puts it: “Scratch the surface in a typical boardroom and we’re all just cavemen with briefcases, hungry for a wise person to tell us stories.”
Page 136
…says Nicholas Negroponte of MIT. “…perspective is more important than IQ. The ability to make big leaps of thought is a common denominator among the originators of breakthrough ideas. Usually this ability resides in people with very wide backgrounds, multidisciplinary minds, and a broad spectrum of experiences.”
According to Csikszentmihalyi, “A psychologically androgynous person in effect doubles his or her repertoire of responses and can interact with the world in terms of a much richer and varied spectrum of opportunities.”
Page 166
In other words, to detect a fake smile, look at the eyes. If the outer muscle of the orbicularis isn’t contracting, the person beaming at you is a false friend.
Page 202
Joyfulness differs from happiness, [Dr.] Kataria says. Happiness is conditional; joyfulness is unconditional.
Page 217
[Viktor Frankl] argues that “man’s main concern is not to gain pleasure or or to avoid pain but rather to a see a meaning in his life.”
Page 221
Meantime, at the University of Pennsylvania, Andrew Newberg has scanned the brains of nuns when they have meditated to the point of religious ecstasy and connection with God. His images show that during such moments, the part of the brain that guides a sense of self is less active—thus contributing to the feeling of being unified with something larger.
Page 225
“Happiness,” Viktor Frankl wrote, “cannot be pursued; it must ensue.”
Page 252
A similar pattern occurred the year before when another chess champion, Vladimir Kramnik, played another computer, Deep Fritz…Kramnik went into the sixth game with a lead, but at a critical juncture, instead of playing a conventional move, Kramnik attempted one that he felt was more creative and aesthetic. The fool. It cost him the game–and ultimately the match. Said Kramnik of his loss, “At least I played like a man.”
A Whole New Mind by Daniel H. Pink
2 Responses to “A Whole New Mind by Daniel H. Pink”
Forgot to tell you, Oprah gave a copy of this book to every Stanford 2008 graduate.
(I got one too). -
thank you thank you!!!!
i read this book and it absolutely amazing.
thank you for posting these page numbers since i have a project due tomorrow and i have to finish a AWNM project last minute since i missed school for a marketing competition!
i will tell you how i do on the project :)
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