Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Important Keys

I pille a bottle of water on my MacBook Pro a couple month ago an ever ince three key on my keyboar no longer function, two of which, it turn out, are pretty uefull letter in the Englih language.
It i truly making me crazy.
I avoi typing a much a poible now, which partly explain the lack of upate on here an my brief an orely limite converation with frien online. It’ even gotten to the point where I premeitate my entance to avoi wor with ai letter. An not jut online: it’ gotten to the point where Im chooing my wor carefully in actual face-to-face converation. My whole worl i beginning to cope without, an even eliminate, the two letter.
Firt it’ langauge…what next? Will I avoi top ign? If I rink, will I never get pie? Will the un never hine again? I’m not oome, no ruine, nor epree; merely ill.





5 Responses to “Important Keys”

  1. Anne Avatar

    It would be pretty sweet to drink and never get pissed to be honest. Though I say this with the full regret of a New Year’s hangover.

  2. Donna Avatar

    Oh, eff! Wors cannot desc ibe ho b reft I am at e oss of r impotant k ys. One des wo der i ou will never get pie.

  3. Dave Avatar

    Hey, just be thankful the ‘spacebar’ and ‘backspace’ keys still work ;)

  4. Ross Avatar

    Your “c” and “v” appear to be working. You could simply develop a method of copy/paste typing.

  5. r Avatar

    I would have thought spilling water on the computer would have loosened the sticky residue from the previous spill of beer.
    why don’t you just buy a key board.

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