MSN’d with the girlfriend tonight. She’s currently studying abnormal psychology and today, whilst discussing psychopaths, her Cap College prof offered some sound advice: you want to avoid them at all costs.
Though that sort of message maybe isn’t stressed enough in school these days, it still seems pretty intuitive. Yet it turns out text book psychopaths are pretty hard to get riled up. They would (and do) get bored half way through sky diving. Studies have measured skin response to excitation, anxiety and fear in what I’ll assume were actual psychopaths jumping out of actual flying planes. Says girlfriend on free-falling crazies: “[They] are like twiddling their thumbs, cause they aren’t afraid and get used to it really quick.”
Which reminded me of an interview on CBC Radio One just the other day about a recent wide-release doc film about big, transnational corporations. From what I gather, the director consulted actual WHO (or similar health authority) guidelines regarding the defining characteristics in diagnosing someone a psychopath and applied them to Big Corps. Comparisons indicate perhaps another intuitive finding, i.e. that Big Corps are psychopathic. Some of these qualities include self-absortion, using people for their (the Corps) own ends, total disregard for others concerns, etc.
Abnormal Sky Diving
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