Big Ambition Campaign
Concept, design and custom fabrication for a bus shelter ad campaign. After securing a $37,000 worth of advertising budget from the City of Vancouver and CBS we created this parallel slogan and graphic identity to run in select shelter spaces. During daylight hours the official poster slogan reads “Small school big ambition” while at night…
Grad Website 2009
Joint concept, design and coding. Tasked with building the Emily Carr Graduation website in one week, designer Alex Buss and I set a number of goals, chiefly to make it as easy as possible for visitors to view work, to download it and to redistribute it online. We eliminated superfluous pop-ups and click-throughs found in…
Emily Carr Says What?
Advertising campaign proposal for the university’s Graduation Exhibition. After securing $37,000 in donated advertising space we designed a series of two-part campaign posters. Short slogans appear to disparage, or have fun with, the school’s reputation. But when backlit, turned, or re-read new and improved slogans are revealed. Language translations were produced based on city demographics…
Steal This Poster
I was the organizer for a guest lecture with David Wotherspoon, commercial litigator in intellectual property, at the Emily Carr University entitled “Who Owns Your Art & Design”. Developed with co-organizer Amanda Huynh, in conjunction with the National Research Council of Canada. February, 2009.
Personal Measures
Gauge blocks built to specification for important angles in my life. Water jet-cut steel, custom cut foam in wood case, guidebook and poster design.
Blind Man
Folding Clock
Paper, ink – Eindhoven, 2008.
While the roommates were away for the weekend I cleaned up the living room. Eindhoven, NL, 2008.
Design Bag
A bag design for designers. Vancouver, 2007.
Food Design Charrette
Primary organizer of an intensive, one-day, theme-based charrette for Design students at the Emily Carr University. The theme was “Food and Eating” an interdisciplinary topic relevant to studies in design but also social and economic issues, sustainability and health. The charrette coincided with a number of course assignments in the department as well as the…
Action Lunch Belt
Pumpin’ Parka
A 48-hour design charrette with the goal of encouraging designers to quickly evaluate the needs of people interacting within a defined geographic area and design an object to facilitate an unmet need. The charrette, directed by guest lecturer and Italian design educator Lorenzo Imbesi, tasked our group with researching, generating ideas, and fabricating a design…
Recycle Bed
Recycled cardboard tubes (found in dumpster behind print shop), modified to fit standard Ikea bed slats, plus routerred support legs. Vancouver, 2006. Used as my primary bed for five years before moving apartments, after which I recycled the bed.
Tin Can Phone
A functional tin can phone suspended from the Granville Street Bridge to Granville Island in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The quarter kilometre line created a surprisingly large amount of stress and pressure from the wind and its own weight. In collaboration with Misha Olynyk.
Foundation Show
Joint concept, design, printing and photography. Our four-person project was the winning entry in a juried competition to promote the University’s year-end Foundation show. A poster, series of flyers, wayfinding system, signage, and exhibition labelling were designed and produced. In collaboration with Tobias Ottahal, Amanda Huynh and Andreas Brœndhaugen.
Hand Gestures
Three minute performance video about the cultural interpretations of hand gestures, inspired by the documentary methods of Errol Morris and the performance aesthetics of Laurie Anderson and Martha Rosler. The video currently has over 190,000 views on YouTube. Modeling by Amanda Huynh and myself.
Personal Colour Theory
Conceptual exploration into generating relationships between coloured areas in a calendar-like layout. Flexing the backing produces new shadows and reflections of adjacent ‘days’. Vancouver, 2006.
Valentine’s Cabaret
University cabaret, pub night and fundraiser organized by first-year students at the Emily Carr Institute. Timeline for marketing was about two weeks, budget around $0.
Dynamic Reality Censor System
Dice Man
Dice Man. An ongoing collaborative project with Andreas Brændhaugen, started 2005.
Big Deal
Taraxca Silver
Client Taraxca Sterling Silver Responsibilities Information architecture, design, photography, construction, hosting Technologies CSS, XHTML, Fireworks, Illustrator, Photoshop
Women’s Squash Weekend
Society of Architectural Historians
Client Society of Architectural Historians, Marion Dean Ross / Pacific Northwest Chapter Responsibilities Information architecture, design, construction, hosting Technologies CSS, XHTML, Movable Type, Fireworks
Squash Grip
Power Hiking
Logo design for personal trainer, Victoria, 2004.
Ceremonial Furniture
Client Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, University of Victoria Responsibilities Information architecture, design, photo editing, construction Technologies Fireworks, Dreamweaver, HTML