Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Clean Routine: Apartment

For best results follow directions in order.
Do not clean until one of the following occurs:

  1. More than two people come to visit
  2. All other procrastination tasks are exhausted
  3. Ants

Everything in its place:

  1. Move everything from desk to bed
  2. File papers in “round” folder
  3. Dishes


  1. Move dust from desk and shelves to air


  1. Ceiling
  2. Walls
  3. Tables
  4. Computer and stereo
  5. Plants
  6. Bed
  7. Floors
  8. Bathtub
  9. Ants


  1. Open all windows
  2. Spray cleaner over entire bathroom, wait ten minutes, strip to underwear and don gloves and make-shift t-shirt filter mask. Scrub
  3. Spray cleaner on all doorknobs and handles. Scrub





4 Responses to “Clean Routine: Apartment”

  1. Tyler Avatar

    I don’t clean until my building manager posts a 24 hour-to-30 day notice to enter the premises notice. She must think I am a clean person. Boy is she wrong.
    And you vacuumed up your only friends, the ants. That’s cold dude.

  2. Kristina Avatar

    Haha… This is great! Vacuuming the ants is less toxic than your average ant killer.

  3. cdharrison Avatar

    It’s also helpful to flip your mattress over to give the bed bugs more air to breathe…

  4. Yes, its me Avatar
    Yes, its me

    Who cares about that doodyboy??

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