Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Current Culture


Vancouver/Montreal DJ Kid Koala’s single Skanky Panky (mp3) is in constant rotation, and I’m also reading his “paperback movie” (large comic book) with accompanying CD, Nufonia Must Fall. Architecture in Helsinki’s In Case We Die is overall just excellent. It’s on right now. I also love the opening track from their Fingers Crossed album.
The new Xiu Xiu singles are just what I wanted from him, and the new Books’ Lost and Safe will do just fine. I introduced my Visual Communications professor to The Books with this album and he thinks they are very smart. Fiery Furnaces EP is like, almost prog rock, and I’ve grown to like it quite a bit, too, esp. the first five tracks.
And on this workstation at school where I write, some fine young student left a couple albums on the harddrive, Massive Attack’s 100th Window, DJ Shadow’s Endtroducing and two albums by an intriguing hip-hop act called Clouddead. I rather like all these albums a lot, as of two three listens through. Would this be considered illegal listening? Cover thyne ears?
Oh almost forgot I saw Dan Bern in concert earlier this month. It was excellent, he is a very good New American Folk Singer with lots of energy and originality and faith.


That same professor who digs The Books recommended I read some Umberto Eco fiction after I brought the semiotician up in class. The Name of the Rose was OK, but I bet reading it again would enlighten some of the deeper signs in it. It’s still sinking in, anyways.
I read both the Malcolm Galdwell musts, Tipping Point and Blink; the former I thought was rather great, but I find myself thinking about both when discussing a cultural theory or like, why Flickr is so popular, or how we can read a personality indirectly in 15 seconds.
The Moms lent me Joe Simpson’s mountain climbing epic Touching The Void and the actual writing was OK in addition to the compelling true tale of survival. I like how, on the pragmatic end, it all came down to not bringing enough fuel. I am currently reading Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.


Got both the Harry Potter’s under my belt. Significant the time period it’s set in. You know that Jonathan Strange and Dr. Norrell novel? It really is like the adult’s HP. Anyways, the movies were alright. Made me wish I was a kid again.
Cremaster III The Order was extremely interesting and I’m constantly thinking about it. Esp. the custom resin prosthetics. Listen to the director’s commentary to get more out of it. Hope to watch all the film’s in the series soon.
I think I watched Rushmore another couple times. When I feel overwhelmed or under-involved at school I think Max Fischer. On a similar note, have you seen the Intern Documentary on the Criterion release of Life Aquatic? I watched it for a third time the other day and it is a perfect little student film to aspire to. Oh hey, if you buy/rent Life Aquatic, get the two disc Criterion version. Not the one disc Criterion version. It is hard to tell the two apart.
Saw Akira for the first time and I didn’t expect it to be the most epic sci-fi ever. “So the movie is about a cool motorcycle gang, right? It is, and it’s also about the source of the human soul.”
OK so Do the Whirlwind by Architecture in Helsinki just came on and did I mention this is a very good album? Oh, and now, an hour later, The Books are on. No more talking or moving about until tomorrow.






5 Responses to “Current Culture”

  1. Shawn Litster Avatar

    I finally got around to finishing the copy of Tipping Point that you lent me. It’s a great read. Sometimes I think the author may take coincidence as proof too often. Definitely made me think about why I actually had to have a pair of Airwalks when I was 16 but four years later I didn’t… hmmmm

  2. Dylan Avatar

    Does Kid Koala spin often here?
    I missed him in Toronto for an Against Me! show and I still wish I could have gone to both.
    Also, check out Bullfrog if you haven’t yet. Kid Koala’s band, definatly some really awesome funk jazz thing going on.

  3. Jeff Werner Avatar

    Not sure if he’s here often (though it is his home town). I last saw Kid K. when he opened for Radiohead in 2003. I have heard some of his Bullfrog work, and shall take a closer thanks to your recommendation.

  4. Dylan Avatar

    I totally thought he hailed from Montreal.
    Perhaps I was misinformed. I have both Bullfrog albums that I am aware of, if you want to borrow them for a listen.

  5. Jeff Werner Avatar

    Hmm yes, Kid K. is a Montrealer, but as far as I know he was born in Van. And yes, definitely hook me up with some tunes.

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