Naturally everyone in the class did theirs the night before Monday afternoon’s deadline, which just happened to be right after the debaucherous class party.
I started this pen and ink drawing, using an excerpt from Siddhartha by Herman Hess as my source, around 8pm last night. By 4am my wrist and fingers were cramping. Up at 7am and almost finished at noon.
It will do. It was pretty fun. Scale: approx. 16×24 inches. Inspiration: Chris Ware, engineering schematics, sleep and nutrition deprivation.
As for process, I’d thought about what text I wanted to use for a while, then did the rough draft last night.
I primarily drew from objects in my vicinity, which related to the Siddhartha goal of emptiness and loss of self. I’ve been thinking about how to get rid of my possessions, so I drew those. I drew things I like, things I could could get rid of. Things I want but don’t need. Things I need but can’t have. Most of the other text is stream-of-conscience.
As for technique, I wanted to push my boundaries a bit and try a bit of shading in India ink, and nearly all lines are done freehand.
Drawing: Words and Pictures
3 Responses to “Drawing: Words and Pictures”
Dang boy. Looking good.
seems rather phalic in nature
what is this
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