Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

ECI Fall 2005 Pod Reg Schedules

I’ve created 11 possible timetable variations from the available Fall 2005 registration “pods” for first year foundation students at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver, Canada. Download the Excel spreadsheet version or view them as an HTML frameset (exported from said spreadsheets).
Data last copied-and-pasted from the ECI website on June 11. Please read the notes below before consulting these timetables.
A Fall 2005 registration pod compiles five of your seven required courses:

  • FNDT 106 Drawing + 2D Language
  • FNDT 107 Materials, Form + Space
  • FNDT 108 Creative Process
  • FNDT 109 Visual Communication
  • FNDT 001 Foundation Forum

Thus you need only register in one of the 11 pods to reserve a seat in five courses. There are two remaining core courses that must be registered separately: AHIS 102 and ENGL 100.
NOTE: If you attending part-time or have transfer credit you may not be required to register in a pod, so these timetables may not have every available section, or have classes you don’t need.
NOTE: These timetables DO NOT include ENGL 100 Literature and Composition. I’m not taking that course (I have transfer credit). You could, however, still find the timetables useful by simply seeing where the various ENGL 100 sections fit.
NOTE: Use these things at your own risk. They could be error-ridden (let me know if they are).
In compiling these timetables a couple of constants and variables became evident:

  • FNDT 001 has only one section and always occurs Monday 12:10-1:20pm.
  • There are only two sections of AHIS 102 and only one of them conflicts with a pod (Pod 6). Thus, in all other timetable configurations you may substitute AHIS 102’s Tuesday morning class (section F001) with its Wednesday afternoon counterpart (section F002)
  • A pod is always listed as FNDT 100, while its number corresponds to its section: Pod 1 is section F001 and so on.
  • All timetables are labelled in the top left with their pod number followed by the pod’s four-digit registration code.

I almost forgot that first year fall registration begins 9:00am June 23 (for last names beginning N-Z) and 9:00am June 24 (for last names beginning A-M). That’s why I made these timetables: visualizations to help me quickly decide which pod is best (profs, days off–and more importantly–mornings off if possible).






4 Responses to “ECI Fall 2005 Pod Reg Schedules”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    I like Pod1 the best. I think days off are bad for productivity, and having monday mornings off is good!

  2. Dave Avatar

    I agree with Lisa, days off kill all hope of getting anything accomplished that day; consequently I recommend Pod5. While Pod1 does look good I am concerned with Mondays. It looks like Foundations Forums is a flimsy class that is likely to become an annoyance as the only reason to go to school on Monday. Pod5 fixes this problem while still giving you those critical Monday and Thursday mornings off. But as a bonus you are finished earlier on Friday (Just in case you feel the need to get an early start on the nights drinking).

  3. Tyler Avatar

    I totally disagree. Days off are sweet. Plus if you do things right, you can get more days off by not going to class.

  4. Shawn Avatar

    I agree with Tyler. Days off are best. Just don’t change your alarm time. Then you can have an entire “for Jeff” day.

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