Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

ECI Fall Term Schedule

Registered online this morning for Fall 2005 classes at Emily Carr. After some deliberation among the various schedules available to a first year I have gone with Pod 5. See the previous post, ECI Fall 2005 Pod Reg Schedules, for background.
This schedule has classes every day, three of which are at 8:30 or 9am. No days off. But sleeping in Mondays and Thursdays.
The majority of my first undergrad was spent in afternoon and evening lectures; such was the nature of art history and film studies at UVic. I often went to great organizational troubles to get days off every term, and generally swore by the method.
But some good points were raised by a couple commenters this week: days off are bad for productivity. And man, can I be unproductive. I’ve reasoned that a little further with Emily Carr. Assuming most of first year will require studio space–drawing, painting, constructing–and factoring in the need for access to supplies and commute times, working primarily on campus will be the norm. The hope is that a consistent schedule will motivate me to get to campus everyday and, after completing a class, stick around and immediately start or continue assignments whilst still in the groove.
I won’t exhaust myself through three eight-hour, back-to-back days, expecting to stick around and work in the studio afterwards or come in on my “days off” and to start on assignments covered days before.
Days off are sweet, but I’ll give this method a try. It’s all a very trifling thing to worry over in the end: just take the damn classes whenever you can and try hard all the time. Procrastination thy enemy, sloth thy foe. Besides, we’re all required to take the same courses, so likely the number of first year students matches the seats available.
As for the ECI registration process itself: a breeze. Well, their software is pretty lacking in usability, but you’re able to pre-select any potential course sections way before your actual registration date. Come 9am this morning I simply checked off the sections I preferred and hit submit.
I expected some nasty slowdown with the server crunch of every first year trying to register at once as it was during my UVic days (and even Camosun College days, when you had to redial with an actual phone ad naseum for three hours, starting at sunrise).
But really, there’s like what, 300 first-year ECI students? And only half are permitted to register today. So there was a slight delay after I hit Submit, but otherwise I was in every section I wanted by 9:01am.






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