Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Gymnast Nadia Comaneci

I don’t know the first thing about gymnastics, but have been reading up on Romanian Nadia Comaneci, who scored the first perfect 10 in gym history at the ’76 Olympiad in Montreal. Comaneci ended up with a total of seven perfect 10s in Montreal and three gold, one silver and one bronze. She was 14.

Comaneci’s life and performances seem surrounded in that Legend-class of sport history





4 Responses to “Gymnast Nadia Comaneci”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    hi i am a 12 year olsdgymnast . did you know that they changed the way that they score and i dont understand it

  2. shahram Avatar

    Mrs nadia comaneci hello.I am mr shahram lhave a.Painting tableauo that iwant to send you to see it.plz add id.

  3. Brieann Avatar

    Hi i’m a 12 year old gymnast and they deducted me 15 points because i had nail polish on and my friends bra starp fell out and they said she was diqualified and i don’t get it how is that so bad please e-mail me back about this issue and i love your bar andfloor routine nadia!!!!

  4. Donna-M Avatar

    Hello,,,to learn more about Nadia and know what she’s doing these days please join the World Wide Fans of Nadia Comaneci Yahoo group. There are daily news and picture posts so there you’ll always get your daily dose of Nadia.

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