Couple Kootenay-related stories popped up this week. CBC is running a brief story entitled “Kootenays joining wired world” on G. Campbell promising broadband access to rural Kootenay residents. As far as I know at least every city over 5,000 has had high speed internet for years. Nelson certianly has. But the Moms is pulling up 14-year-old stakes to a somewhat rural new home in the Slocan valley this summer, so this may affect her.
The other story [Okanagan TV] concerns a former highschool classmate of mine, murdered this past weekend under shady circumstances. I now remember Tony Gorkoff was one of the first kids I knew in junior high with a home BBS that me and a friend would log into and I think download a picture or chat with other 386 basment dwellers.
Hometown news
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