In groups of three, create a zine based on personal symbols and icons. Max size 18″x24″.
Adam, my other group partner, is into stenciling, i.e. cutting out images in paper and painting through them onto public surfaces. I also researched zine culture a bit and I noticed a root in the Russian samizdat. From Wikipedia:
Samizdat was the clandestine copying and distribution of government-suppressed literature or other media in Soviet-bloc countries. The idea was that copies were made a few at a time, and anyone who had a copy would make more copies, often by handwriting or typing.
Adam happened to give a presentation in class on stencil art, and I thought why not stencil the zine? If a major component of zine culture is distribution, why not distribute it large and publicly.
With our third partner Nina we each created our own set of imagery with a general composition in mind. The hard part was cutting these things out of thick paper. My finger tips are still bruised from the 12-hour ordeal.
I’ll let this little video I made tell the rest of the story.
Manual: A Stencil Zine (QuickTime, 1 minute, 2MB).
UPDATE (Nov. 26): Re-exported the movie (MPEG-4, 1 min., 2MB) into a different format; lower-quality but hopefully more compatible.
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