Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Daily Activities

  • RCMP Alarm

    I wake up around noon or one o’clock these days so answering the phone in bed isn’t unusual. I mean, the world works away while I’m resting off the grid, right, so it comes with the territory, these interruptions. So during a recent 8:30am the ringer’s brrrringing and the call display is glowing a 604…

  • Shigeru Ban

    Shigeru Ban presented an overview of his work to an auditorium of Canadian graduate, accomplished and student architects yesterday evening at the RAIC College of Fellows Convocation in Vancouver. The most compelling areas of Ban’s work were his criticisms of monumental structures, visual and physical transparency, respect for existing land use, notions of inside/outside, modular…

  • The GDC Coudal Lock

    Jim Coudal spoke at the GDC/BC Salazar Student Awards on June 1. It was pretty good. His design firm, Coudal Partners, has this new philosophy: to do less work-for-hire and more work for themselves. An example of work-for-hire is creating a brand identity for a major corporation. You get paid for the work—once–and you’re not…

  • The Wedding Invite Network

    So I move around a lot and to keep things simple I get much of my mail sent to Tyler’s on West 7th Ave. And I’m expecting this wedding invite to arrive from Alistair any day now, All-Star being one of my closest friends, he’s getting married in August and I even seen the envelopes…

  • Keeping it Put to Stay Mobile

    What I’m talking about is using web-based instead of home computer-based software as much as possible. I’m keeping my life centralized online so that I can access it from anywhere, anytime. The following is a summary of what I’m currently using, how I use it, what it’s replaced, and how much further I’d like to…

  • Live Preview

    I am going to write down ideas/things to do in real time here, as they come to me: Video: two people, interesting-looking, hand and body gestures, actions, obvious performing in front of camera. Slow mo for contemplative effect. Influences: new Cat Power video, Tokyo Olympiad, Aaron’s man in the bush video, Stan B. masterpiece man…

  • Case of the Missing Toaster

    Specifically, the Black & Decker TRO200 Toaster Oven, a classic of the genre. (Toaster not exactly as shown). The Crime Roughly 50 days ago I donated the above-mentioned toaster oven (in well-used condition, a personal family heirloom) to the Emily Carr Institute student body. I did this unannounced and of my own accord by placing…

  • Island Introduction

    (or) How to Show a Norwegian a Good Ol’ West Coast Canadian Time. Since moving here in September Andreas hasn’t left downtown Vancouver. For our week-long reading break I showed him around Victoria and Vancouver Island.

  • On A Roll (Expanded)

    Oh man I had stuff stolen in January. Society, don’t fail me so. First I got this nice hat for Christmas and wore it for about two weeks before it was swiped at school. I really liked that hat; a couple people even said it was pretty cool. A couple weeks later and a suitcase…

  • On A Roll

    Possessions lost (and a few stolen) since September 2005. Actually, all but three of these were lost since New Year’s: toque (blue, Golden Key) toque (black, Adidas) cap (newsboy-style flat cap, beige with black cross stitching) Marantz cassette recorder, omni-directional microphone, XLR cables glove (right hand, neoprene Fox racing) glove (left hand, XC ski-type) sweater…

  • Imitation is a Sign

    The image below looks very familiar. It is a screen grab taken on January 24, 2006 from the homepage of It looks familiar because it is the design from my site—the site you are reading right now—copied to another website, with some text changed (much not) and a new menu inserted at the top.…

  • Back in the Saddle

    Heya, here’s what I’ve done so far this week, in case some of it might be of interest to you. 1. I just got into Sufjan Stevens. Sheesh, why didn’t you tell me more about him? Illinois is a great album. At the same time I am also walking around a lot more with Death…

  • Vacation, Education and Moving Plans

    This is a notice about what’s happening with me regarding changes to work, school and living arrangements. The short of it is I’m leaving on July 18 and when I return in September I’ll be living in Vancouver to attend school full time. Any projects I’m currently involved in will be either wrapped up this…

  • Beer Collides With Keyboard, No Survivors

    Scott, you left your Coronas at my place the other day. Like any good friend upon finding his buddy’s beer in his fridge I dutifully set about caring for them. But just I was nursing one to my lips it attempted to escape! I know! In fact, this rogue beer committed suicide, flinging itself over…

  • Embarrassment, Despair, Car Repairs

    I bumped into an acquaintance on 4th Avenue in Vancouver this weekend. I recalled he was just finishing (or had finished) medical school and congratulated him so, even calling him doctor, which felt weird to say to a guy I would consider my contemporary (he’s a few years older). It was good timing, the Dr.…

  • No Scheming To Sell Out

    I was thinking about Chris Onstad during dinner tonight, that minor-titan of the online comic world and creator of its darling indy-child, Achewood. And I was thinking, what could Onstad do to make more money off his comic? I’ve been reading Achewood for the last half of its four-year run, thoroughly enjoying its consistency and…

  • Holy Shit List: Computers

    Inspired by the original Holy Shit List, this is my list of computer technology encounters that were so cool and influential that I can still remember the moment and feeling when I first laid my hands and eyes on them.

  • Clean Routine: Apartment

    For best results follow directions in order. Do not clean until one of the following occurs: More than two people come to visit All other procrastination tasks are exhausted Ants Everything in its place: Move everything from desk to bed File papers in “round” folder Dishes Dust Move dust from desk and shelves to air…

  • Up Yours Victoria Transit

    I am so angry about waiting in the cold for an hour for a bus.

  • Classical Guitar Concert

    My brother performed in his second solo concert at the Conservatory of Music in Victoria on April 1 (but no fooling). Photos are now posted.

  • My New Showering Technique is Unstoppable

    Tonight I tried to wash my eyelids with a face cloth covered in soap because I’ve never really washed my eyelids. And now I am in pain.

  • Toque and Flute

    When Lisa and Alistair returned last Christmas from their extended stay and travels in Peru and South America they brought me a gift. Or rather, they left my gift with Scott until I returned to Victoria after the holidays. Come a February house party at Sarah and Kelly’s and sure enough, Scott pulled through! So…

  • Xmas Party 2004

    Finally gotten around to posting some photos from my Xmas party.

  • 2005 Phone Book

    A brief comparison of the entry pages for “Werner” between the 2005 and 2004 Telus Victoria Area phonebooks.

  • Nickel on some guy’s underwear

    I finished a game of squash on Sunday (I lost 3-2) and entered the change room. I knew I had some change in the left pocket of my jeans as I took them down from the hook where I’d left them. But I was careless and grabbed the pants from the middle, rather than from…

  • On the desk

    A photograph of my desk and what I’m working on, with descriptions. Just another form of procrastination, really.

  • Signs of Age: White Hairs

    It’s kind of interesting how they’re coming in, my white hairs. The girlfriend’s noticed them for a year. They really caught my eye in the mirror today. I think the static in the air made them stand out. There’s no such thing as gray hair. It’s either pigmented or white. It’s the blending with your…

  • Smashing Pumpkins

    I was shaping up to be so lazy this past Halloween. The idea to dress a bunch of us friends up as Tetris blocks (I was to be L) never materialized. I didn’t go to a party. All I had on plan was handing out 98 novelty-size chocolate bars to trick-or-treaters from the Oak Bay…

  • Open Letter to the Family

    Hey you two, not sure how much time you have on this interweb-thingy, but if you have a few minutes take a surfey around my new website. It’s the same address,, most of the same content, but more rad both above and under the hood. So it should, I spent the last four months…

  • On a Foggy Night

    Night fog on Doncaster Street, Victoria – 11pm