IDEA Program Interview
My interview and exam for the IDEA program at Capilano College went as well as I could hope for. I’ll likely know this week if I’m accepted.
IDEA Program Information Sheet
The completed form I must submit with my portfolio to the Capilano College Illustration / Design: Elements & Applications (IDEA) Program in Vancouver. Includes four contemporary artists / designers I admire, plus why I want to go to Cap.
Art Trading Cards
Four art trading cards I created Thursday night for a Friday afternoon exchange with some students at UVic.
Sketchbook Scans: Japan Illustrations
For a current project, five initial drawings directly referencing existing woodblock prints. Eventually to be tweaked, vectorized and coloured.
Sketchbook Scans: Life Drawings
Exercises in life drawing created in conjuction with a Portfolio Development course I am attending at Capilano College.
Sketchbook Scans: Collage
An exercise in colour composition using pasted magazine and newspaper collage, inspired by work I saw at a local exhibit.
Double Take
Inspired by this photoset. Two shots taken with remote capture using a Canon d-Rebel, layered in Photoshop.
Sketchbook Scans
The first installment of scanned images from my sketchbook, a recent and ongoing exercise in learning to draw in preparation for design school.
Spalding Design Draft
I’ve prepared a draft design for an exhibit website I’ve been hired to create and I’m looking for constructive feedback. Check out my notes on it, view the template and let me know what you think.
End of an employment chapter
Just coded my last tag, fired off my last email, wrapped up four months as a contract employee with the local web design firm zero one design inc. A really valuable experience. So in the light of a great sunset tonight, some music on the winamp and a nice cold beer, alone I toast the…
Current Projects
Current web projects I have in production, both as an employee of zero one and on my own: Museum-affiliated resource on shipwreck history; An arts organization summer event; Local athletic trainer; Northwest chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians.
Seven straight days of non-stop CSS website construction. Immersed in a world of W3C specifications, cross-browser and cross-platform testing, debugging, retesting. A labyrinth of glitches, discussion boards, tips, tutorials. Holly Hacks and Tantek Hacks, box models and stray floats. Three Pixel Jogs. Peek-a-boo bugs. IE 5.x, IE 6.x, NN, Safari! I have six hour stretches…
Update: CSS, Exhibits, Journals
CSS website formating on the mind this week. Have taken my basic knowledge of W3C-validated CSS2 and kicked it up a major notch for a current zero one project to be launched in a few weeks. Will also soon implement complete CSS control over this, my personal website. Bye-bye hacked tables and gif spacers and…
Ware gets Graphic
The UVic student newspaper, the Martlet, published my review of Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth (Chris Ware, Random House, 2000). (Link active April 1-7).
UVic Tutoring
Spent Monday morning tutoring the Writing 216 class at the University of Victoria. 216 is a four-month magazine journalism class I’ve been called in to regularly over the past year in order to orient students with designing, directing and printing a final-project magazine with Quark and now InDesign. I outline the major issues they can…
Week Two With zero one
A challenging and educational week. Constructed an actual working draft site under deadline in less than 24 hours. Still assigned with multiple design tasks, but this time the real difficulty lies in having to incorporate rough-but-pre-approved templates and
Week one with zero one
Assist-ed/ing in the design of three web templates for two of zero one’s clients. The challenges are great and just what I hope to excel in: incorporating client requests, defining a site’s role, balancing aesthetics with usability, working with a team, etc.. On Wednesday attended all-day meetings where zero one took us, the web developers,…
New Job: zero one design
I have officially been hired as a web developer with zero one design inc., a local firm that specializes in the fields of arts and culture.
Poster: Night of the Guitar
Poster for guitar performance at the Victoria Conservatory of Music.
Graphic: Yo La Tengo
A graphic design for a Yo La Tengo music album.
Logos: Photo Club and First Year Guide
Mock-ups for UVic Photo Club logo and a cover for a first year student guide.
Logo: Transit Coalition
First attempt at creating a mock-up logo, this one for a hypothetical public transit coalition.
Portfolio: Williams in Vancouver
Launched the Williams in Vancouver web site today, a three week project I undertook for the University of Victoria Alumni Association. See its entry under Web Design for more information.
Portfolio: Retro Site and Writing
New portfolio entries: In Web Design, the previous version of this website; created a new section for Writing samples.
Google standing
Search for “Jeff Werner” on Google and I come up no. 2 in the list now, compared to 200th place over the last month. Took a while for to get trolled by googlebot. The old site, which was titled “Jeffrey Werner” still comes up in spot no.2 as well.
v2.2 of
This week saw the launch of v2.2 of the website.
Bam (Yo La Tengo)
A Different Take