To fill some gaps between posts as I prepare some more comprehensive writings, some things I’ve been up to lately.
Spending money. Yes, within a span of about one week I bought a Canon Digital Rebel, a new chair and new bath towels. Reviews and justifications in the works.
Began painting the new deck railing last week during a brief sunny spell. One hour sweat / two feet of railing. Awkward work, considering the many vertical rails and the 20-foot drop to the rocks and bushes below. Intermittent rain this week has kept it from getting much further, as has the peculiar choice of stain the landlady supplied (perhaps mistakenly), which looks more like a drab grey plastic paint rather than the familiar protective stain that would glorify the fine texture and colour of the cedar wood. Would be sad to see it go (the wood). Will confirm once the landlady returns next week from her annual Stratford pilgrimage.
About 95% recovered from the bike crash. A persistent little scab on the elbow remains. Up to near full capacity in squash again, though gotta watch the crouching on the knee. Weights every second day, upper body only.
In addition to 40-50 hours of web work a week, been really enjoying the summer so far, which you always keep expecting to kick in but is in fact already in high gear, waiting for you to take advantage of it, which I surely will come July when the contract with my web design firm ends, I am off to Nelson to help the Moms move, and I return to work on some super-fun personal projects and job hunting.
Otherwise been spending some quality time with that special girl: bar-b-qing, taking photos, hanging at the beach, watching movies, listening to a mix CD by Nick Hornby and napping a lot together. Of movies, oh my! just saw Eternal Sunshine of the… and was completely moved and inspired and in awe, by the same guy (Kaufman) who did Being John M. and Adapatation…more on this writer and his films, which I just gotta call genius, later.
Creative work like this–and a summer of unemployment–is yet another call for me, for you, to grab the clich
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