Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Bono, Japan, Germany

Ha, this headline on the Globe and Mail really grabbed me this morning:
(link to article)
Specifically notice the tagline: Martin arrives at G8 Wednesday; has private meeting with Bono, Japan, Germany.
So the prime minister of Canada is meeting the heads of two of the most powerful nations on earth. And Bono. Rock stars are very important. I’m barely joking when I say that. Though the headline would have been even funnier if they listed “and Bono” after Japan and Germany.





One response to “Bono, Japan, Germany”

  1. Adam Avatar

    You know, the BEST part of Bono meeting Paul Martin was this quote of his: “He’s a real pain in the ass to deal with, because he won’t promise things that he doesn’t believe he can deliver, and it’s infuriating”. Go Bono. You suck.

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