Tag Your mp3s Properly
It’s not so hard people. I’m talking to you, recording artists and labels and online music distributors. Properly ID tag your mp3s, please, otherwise it’s hard to know what I’m listening to and even harder still to actually buy music from you.
Classical Guitar Concert
My brother performed in his second solo concert at the Conservatory of Music in Victoria on April 1 (but no fooling). Photos are now posted.
My New Showering Technique is Unstoppable
Tonight I tried to wash my eyelids with a face cloth covered in soap because I’ve never really washed my eyelids. And now I am in pain.
Art Trading Cards
Four art trading cards I created Thursday night for a Friday afternoon exchange with some students at UVic.
Toque and Flute
When Lisa and Alistair returned last Christmas from their extended stay and travels in Peru and South America they brought me a gift. Or rather, they left my gift with Scott until I returned to Victoria after the holidays. Come a February house party at Sarah and Kelly’s and sure enough, Scott pulled through! So…
Nary a Hair: Why Cyclists Shave Their Legs
Male cyclists–road racers in particular–have shaved the hair from their legs for decades. The following are the reasons I’ve heard of, and justified to myself and others, why.
Sketchbook Scans: Japan Illustrations
For a current project, five initial drawings directly referencing existing woodblock prints. Eventually to be tweaked, vectorized and coloured.
Sketchbook Scans: Life Drawings
Exercises in life drawing created in conjuction with a Portfolio Development course I am attending at Capilano College.
Xmas Party 2004
Finally gotten around to posting some photos from my Xmas party.
Suit Shopping
I’m in the market for my first suit, and went shopping for one today. Found a few I liked (with photos of two). Decision pending. Update Feb. 11: I bought a suit from Outlooks; details coming.
Sketchbook Scans: Collage
An exercise in colour composition using pasted magazine and newspaper collage, inspired by work I saw at a local exhibit.
2005 Phone Book
A brief comparison of the entry pages for “Werner” between the 2005 and 2004 Telus Victoria Area phonebooks.
Postcards in 2004
A sampling of postcards I received last year. The backs can be clicked to enlarge the image.
Double Take
Inspired by this photoset. Two shots taken with remote capture using a Canon d-Rebel, layered in Photoshop.
Meme Theme: Most Popular Music in iTunes
Meme Theme: MY Most Popular Music in iTunes As started by Michael of Binary Bonsai in his original Flickr post. The rules: 1) Sort by ‘Play Count’. 2) Take screenshot of the top and upload to flickr. 3) Link back to where you first saw this meme. 4) And leave a comment so they know…
Sketchbook Scans
The first installment of scanned images from my sketchbook, a recent and ongoing exercise in learning to draw in preparation for design school.
iPod Shuffle: How Do You Navigate Tracks?
When the rumours first surfaced about a screenless iPod back in early December, the first question that popped to mind is how would I navigate songs on it? I won’t be buying one for a while so here is my hypothesis.
Nickel on some guy’s underwear
I finished a game of squash on Sunday (I lost 3-2) and entered the change room. I knew I had some change in the left pocket of my jeans as I took them down from the hook where I’d left them. But I was careless and grabbed the pants from the middle, rather than from…
On the desk
A photograph of my desk and what I’m working on, with descriptions. Just another form of procrastination, really.
Signs of Age: White Hairs
It’s kind of interesting how they’re coming in, my white hairs. The girlfriend’s noticed them for a year. They really caught my eye in the mirror today. I think the static in the air made them stand out. There’s no such thing as gray hair. It’s either pigmented or white. It’s the blending with your…
Loser Goes First by Dan Kennedy
A review in tabs–excerpts I found noteworthy in this short autobiography by a young American guy who wanted fame in music but settled for a string of jobs like packing CDs, slinging coffee at the first Starbucks and writing ad copy.
Postum: Coffee Substitute
Postum is a caffeine-free powdered coffee substitute created by C. W. Post in 1895. It’s not bad, though the packaging could be improved.
Xmas Wish List
A table of realistic gift ideas (there’s no iPod, iMac or new bed on there) I wouldn’t mind being on the receiving end of this Christmas, basically itended to give the Moms a bunch of stuff to choose a couple from. No doubt I’ll add items to the list until the 24th.
First Impressions of iTunes
I think the free Apple iTunes Jukebox software is OK, but was expecting better. I installed version 4 (on my Pentium 4 1.5 768 RAM WinXP-Pro box) last night. I’ve used Winamp for years and occasionally give Windows Media Player a go for regular music listening. The following are my knee-jerk reactions and thoughts after…
Girlfriend Mix CD
Answering a long overdue request, I made another mix CD for the girlfriend. My goals were consistency in sounds, relaxing to semi-relaxing in mood–such as for listening to alone in bed or doing homework–and to (hopefully) introduce her to a number of new artists/bands that I like.
Smashing Pumpkins
I was shaping up to be so lazy this past Halloween. The idea to dress a bunch of us friends up as Tetris blocks (I was to be L) never materialized. I didn’t go to a party. All I had on plan was handing out 98 novelty-size chocolate bars to trick-or-treaters from the Oak Bay…
Spalding Design Draft
I’ve prepared a draft design for an exhibit website I’ve been hired to create and I’m looking for constructive feedback. Check out my notes on it, view the template and let me know what you think.
Open Letter to the Family
Hey you two, not sure how much time you have on this interweb-thingy, but if you have a few minutes take a surfey around my new website. It’s the same address,, most of the same content, but more rad both above and under the hood. So it should, I spent the last four months…
Disappearing Possessions
I am missing the following items. If you’ve seen any of them, sweet, let me know.
Shopping List for the Weekend
Tabasco Sauce butter Adams Peanut Butter LCD monitor squash racquet optical mouse 256 MB RDRAM shoes