Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada


  • Google standing

    Search for “Jeff Werner” on Google and I come up no. 2 in the list now, compared to 200th place over the last month. Took a while for to get trolled by googlebot. The old site, which was titled “Jeffrey Werner” still comes up in spot no.2 as well.

  • Vancouver weekend

    Catching the #24 10:40 bus downtown to catch the #70 11:27 bus to Swartz Bay to catch the one o’clock ferry to meet the girlfriend and her little red car at 2:35. Bringing some books to read (currently Se

  • Fly Guy

    Fly Guy Enlightening in a cute and pixelated way. Esp. like the subtle dusting yourself off after a fall. Check out the root URL as well: this guy’s got some interesting work in this “new” genre of pixel art. Done games for some big names: Verizon, Lego and Diesel Marketing. Thanks a lot forefathers ASCII…

  • Philip Glass in Victoria

    P. Glass performed on the Island for the first time tonight and it was hard to know what to expect from the guy. I mean what was he going to wear for starters? Small ads in the local weeklies had listed Glass with a little photo in their calendars along side next week’s rock and…

  • Bubble Wrap Almost as good as the real thing.

  • ni9e – Flash art collective Sort of along the lines of Yugo Nakamura’s Yugop-style creativity. Newest typeface-to-the-music is interesting, if drags on a bit. Thanks GDC listserve for the link.

  • Pleix – Digital Film Collective Some of the more innovative trendy short art film/music videos I know of online. Esp. check out E-Baby, Sometimes and Beauty Kit. Pleix is one of those self-described “virtual community of digital artists based in Paris” things. Very nice to watch. Thanks Ross for the link.

  • New Slang: Warm

    Was MSN’n with a friend stationed in France today when the word warm was used describe hair style. Whoa, I thought, I better not let on I don’t know about this trendy new Euro slang, which I figured was equivalent to like dope, or dang yo. But different from hot, which could also be the…

  • Album Cover Art

    Worst Album Covers Ever Swedish Bands Christian Records Links to websites featuring most excellent album covers from days past seem to have popped up over the last two days in my IE.

  • Cold-like symptons

    Little sleep, too much squash and a sick girlfriend: I think I grew a cold last night. Stomach been groaning (which, to be honest, may be because dinners these past months consist of rice, canned beans and that’s it). Felt the right nostril backing-up last night. Total clog in both canals now. Feel like a…

  • Abnormal Sky Diving

    MSN’d with the girlfriend tonight. She’s currently studying abnormal psychology and today, whilst discussing psychopaths, her Cap College prof offered some sound advice: you want to avoid them at all costs. Though that sort of message maybe isn’t stressed enough in school these days, it still seems pretty intuitive. Yet it turns out text book…

  • v2.2 of

    This week saw the launch of v2.2 of the website.

  • Achewood

  • Bam (Yo La Tengo)

  • Raw Meat

    In Holland, raw pork products are popular. You buy regular-looking bacon, but keep it in its super-market state from checkout to sandwich to stomach. Tastes surpisingly good and a little like cheese. Speaking of which, Holland is where Edam and Gouda comes from, by the towns of the same name. I also had some blood…

  • Something completley diff

    In Amstydam now, full of stoned, under-educated English and Canadian and Oz 20-somethings, and people with piercings and fancy sweaters. Everyone getting pissed every night, and stoned. Pretty town though, only explored it for 3 hours today having no sleep in the last 24. More later. Staying at Flying Pig Hostel in really nice area…

  • Bike Ride in the Netherlands

    Rental biking for a day somewhere between Amsterdam and Haarlam, The Netherlands.

  • End of the line (almost)

    Went to the desert oasis of Siwa after 4 days in Cairo. We weren’t able to get a lift to Bahariya, which meant a whole day of travelling back to Cairo, then a train south to Luxor, tout capital of the world. They must have a university in Luxor dedicated to the higher pursuit of…

  • Cairo

    Crossed Sinai two days ago thinking I was gonna be late to me Graham, but am in fact two days early. As it happened, my very expensive and extremely delayed ferry from Aqaba, Jordan, didn’t arrive in Neuweba until 2am, so I caught a service van with 14 other young Arab guys across Sinai at…

  • Exit Iraq

    Shot from my speeding taxi, with a view of oil tankers also trying to leave Iraq at the Jordanian border.

  • Building in Cairo

    Taken from a round-about near the museum. Egypt.

  • Citadel and moat

    Rear view of the citadel at Palmyra, Syria.

  • Baghdad

    The 15-hour, overnight bus ride from Amman to Baghdad was silent except for the odd horn from a passing oil tanker and cling of the good-luck bells hanging from our driver’s rearview mirror. For 350 km to the border none of the 15 or so passengers, from an Iraqi expat living in the States to…

  • Guarding the hotel

    US Soldiers guard the Palestine Hotel, Baghdad, Iraq.

  • Dead Sea and more desert

    Spent 6 days at a monestary in the desert, washing dishes and sweeping for my keep, attending morning mass and evening meditation followed by communion. Amazing full moons and no car horns. Fresh goat cheese with every meal from the goats next to my 12th century room. Didn’t even know about the Isreal attack on…

  • Steps of the New Mosque

    Istanbul, Turkey.

  • My typical Syrian day

    Wake up to the first call to prayer at 5 am, mournfully wailing across the city from the half dozen mosque minarets. Still dark out, but already the honk of a thousand car horns begins two stories below. Fall back asleep, slightly chilly under my cotton sleeping sheet. 7am crawl out of bed with the…

  • Syria headlines

    Will right more later, too tired and this internet time is costing as much as a night in a hostel plus dinner and an ice cream. Basically, I can go to the bathroom again after 5 days and I am returning to the desert of Syria, land of extreme hospitality. precious TV remote controls, filthy…

  • Fairy Chimneys

    The soft volcanic stone living dwellings of Cappadocia, Turkey.

  • Random Observations of Turkey

    Transport: Turkey has an amazing bus system, if somewhat chaotic-looking on the surface. Over a hundred companies run buses everywhere at all times. And we’re not talking old school buses with wodden seats and baggage mushrooming above the roof. Most of the buses are very modern Mercedes behemouths (some are double-deckers) with air conditioning, moderatley…