Cycling Trip: Jeff and Nix
. Paul Nixon, designer and Apple employee, met up with Shawn and I as we passed through Santa Cruz yesterday. Great lunch at a real restaurant, and we even got a little ride in together. Inspirational that guy.
Cycling Trip: Routine
Generally Shawn and I wake up around 6:30-7:00am. If my little watch alarm doesn’t do it, then the many calls of nature (ground hogs burrowing under the tent, racoons, bladder) do. If we’re efficient we’ll have the tent collapsed and our gear packed in under an hour and be on the road by 8am. We…
Cycling Trip: Oregon
Just a quick update from Astoria, Oregon: Sunburned. Camping. Roadkill. Some of the best riding. Clearcuts. Drafting. Fog. Up at 6am, bed at 8pm. 450km down, 2400km to go. Shawn and I are doing great.
Microsoft Ergo Keyboard Review
After two days with my new ergo keyboard I’m feeling slightly less discomfort in my arms and hands (especially the left hand), while my typing may have actually improved, if not in speed yet than in proper form. There was about a one-day adjustment phase where my speed and accuracy suffered oh, about a 15…
Vacation, Education and Moving Plans
This is a notice about what’s happening with me regarding changes to work, school and living arrangements. The short of it is I’m leaving on July 18 and when I return in September I’ll be living in Vancouver to attend school full time. Any projects I’m currently involved in will be either wrapped up this…
Moving Sale
I’m moving out of my apartment next week and I’m trying to lighten my load. I’m giving away most of these things listed below. Anything I can’t sell / offload will go to the Sally Ann / dumpster (recycling if possible) / storage. Maybe the treaure you never knew you wanted awaits. Email me if…
Bono, Japan, Germany
Ha, this headline on the Globe and Mail really grabbed me this morning: (link to article) Specifically notice the tagline: Martin arrives at G8 Wednesday; has private meeting with Bono, Japan, Germany. So the prime minister of Canada is meeting the heads of two of the most powerful nations on earth. And Bono. Rock stars…
Apartment For Rent
In two weeks I’m moving out of what’s been my home for the past three years. If you’re a friend of mine (or a friend of a friend), mature and respectable, and are looking for a bachelor suite close to the University of Victoria, email me: my suite may be available to the right person.
Nikon Coolpix 4800
A friend and client of mine purchased her first digital camera today, a Nikon Coolpix 4800, in part because of my advice. But I also learned that despite the many practical and enticing factors that hundreds of other cameras offer, one simple usability feature can steal the show from dozens of seemingly more important ones.…
Beer Collides With Keyboard, No Survivors
Scott, you left your Coronas at my place the other day. Like any good friend upon finding his buddy’s beer in his fridge I dutifully set about caring for them. But just I was nursing one to my lips it attempted to escape! I know! In fact, this rogue beer committed suicide, flinging itself over…
Embarrassment, Despair, Car Repairs
I bumped into an acquaintance on 4th Avenue in Vancouver this weekend. I recalled he was just finishing (or had finished) medical school and congratulated him so, even calling him doctor, which felt weird to say to a guy I would consider my contemporary (he’s a few years older). It was good timing, the Dr.…
ECI Fall Term Schedule
Registered online this morning for Fall 2005 classes at Emily Carr. After some deliberation among the various schedules available to a first year I have gone with Pod 5. See the previous post, ECI Fall 2005 Pod Reg Schedules, for background. This schedule has classes every day, three of which are at 8:30 or 9am.…
First impressions of WordPress
After only half an hour with WordPress–a free, open-source software tool for managing a weblog–so far I must say: why have I waited this long? I’ve been using Movable Type, a similar tool, for a year and a half now. I’ve been happy with it, I like the versatility it offers and the large pool…
ECI Fall 2005 Pod Reg Schedules
I’ve created 11 possible timetable variations from the available Fall 2005 registration “pods” for first year foundation students at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver, Canada. Download the Excel spreadsheet version or view them as an HTML frameset (exported from said spreadsheets). Data last copied-and-pasted from the ECI website on June 11.…
No Scheming To Sell Out
I was thinking about Chris Onstad during dinner tonight, that minor-titan of the online comic world and creator of its darling indy-child, Achewood. And I was thinking, what could Onstad do to make more money off his comic? I’ve been reading Achewood for the last half of its four-year run, thoroughly enjoying its consistency and…
Email Habits
I often wonder what I do all day in front of the computer. For now I’ll just take a quick look at my email habits. I spend a lot time writing them. My sent folder tells me I’ve fired off over 1,000 emails since Jan. 1, 2005, half of which are recreational: planning rides with…
Holy Shit List: Computers
Inspired by the original Holy Shit List, this is my list of computer technology encounters that were so cool and influential that I can still remember the moment and feeling when I first laid my hands and eyes on them.
Clean Routine: Apartment
For best results follow directions in order. Do not clean until one of the following occurs: More than two people come to visit All other procrastination tasks are exhausted Ants Everything in its place: Move everything from desk to bed File papers in “round” folder Dishes Dust Move dust from desk and shelves to air…
Bastion Square Grand Prix 2005
The 14th annual Bastion Square criterium road bike race in historic downtown Victoria Canada, 2005, was great as usual. An annual event I’ve attended over the past eight or nine years, both as a competitor and (as today) a sangria-swilling, chicken sandwich-eating, patio-lounging spectator. Team Symmetrics Cycling had about 100 guys in the race. Their…
Which design school: ECIAD or Cap College?
As of today I’ve been accepted to begin studies at two design schools in Vancouver: Cap College’s three-year Illustration and Design diploma and Emily Carr’s four-year Foundation and Communication Design degree. I’ve got to decide on one and I’m looking for advice from alumni, established designers, anyone. For those not familiar with one or both…
Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix
American designer Richard Bird held a contest on his website to identify a logo. I didn’t guess correctly, but he still sent 10 responders a package of Jiffy Mix in the mail. I made corn muffins with it.
Melody Meme (Musical Baton)
Seems every design blogger I subscribe to has been receiving and passing on this web chain, or meme. This month it’s music listening habits. And oh I was sorely left out until Nixlog invited me into the sacred (and ballooning) circle. Total volume of music files on my computer: 16.2 GB (3457 songs) The last…
Barbershop Protocol
How do you go about getting your favourite barber, and not one of his assistants, to cut your hair? Also, do you always tip a barber, and how much?
IDEA Program Interview
My interview and exam for the IDEA program at Capilano College went as well as I could hope for. I’ll likely know this week if I’m accepted.
Alumni Junk Mail
An open letter to the University of Victoria Alumni Association, requesting a response to, and ultimate termination of, its embarrassing, harassing and persistent “invitations” to “enjoy the benefits” of a MasterCard® credit card.
Where’s my wireless shifting?
And other bike technology we’ve been waiting years for? Come on, chains on bikes? Cogs? They were using chains in Ancient Egypt. Alistair just realized road bikes have 20 speeds. We agree that’s still slow progress. Where’s our infinite-gearing, internal-shifting rear hubs? Bicycle Technology We Should Have By Now: Single belt drive Wireless electronic shifting…
Cost of Bike Races vs. Squash Tournaments
After playing in a few squash tournaments this year, from the small, club-only events to this weekend’s provincial-level, 160-entry bash, I have attempted to sum up the discrepancies between entry fees for a squash tournament versus a bike race in British Columbia in the following diagram: Squash Pizza dinner Muffins, oranges and coffee breakfast Gala…
IDEA Program Information Sheet
The completed form I must submit with my portfolio to the Capilano College Illustration / Design: Elements & Applications (IDEA) Program in Vancouver. Includes four contemporary artists / designers I admire, plus why I want to go to Cap.
Mountain Biking in Sooke
Shawn, Héctor, Melissa, Scott and I have made a pact this spring to ride our mountain bikes together every Sunday, and for the past couple of months we’ve met nearly everytime at the Starbucks or Tim Hortons, rain or shine. On April 3rd we had a particularly good ride up and over (2x, in fact)…
Up Yours Victoria Transit
I am so angry about waiting in the cold for an hour for a bus.