Continuing where Phase 1 of the assignment left off, the 30 or so students in this third year studio / creative processes class were asked to design, build and present 13 sub-projects to complete our original unit’s ‘world’. These included a:
- Wallpaper
- Toy and packaging
- Painting
- Process book
- Scale production model and mold
- Character profiles (alter ego, opposite guest, child, designer)
- Monogram stamp
- Textile with blockprint
- Drawings
- Unit
- Wall
- Personal 10 commandments
Three of our four instructors face the class to announce the scores.
We were asked to professionally present our collections in the studio space for private review by our four instructors and the Atelier department head. By the end of the day they sat all the students down and announced each person’s score (out of 10) and brief comments. Below, a sampling of the student work.
Clean-up before the scores.
Waiting for the reviews.
Post-critique beer.
It was also announced that five students would be asked to not continue in the class nor participate in the final assignment. Some of the English comments directed at students:
“It’s a struggle for us watching you. There isn’t a future for you here.”
“We question if you can handle it.”
“You should criticize yourself a bit more.”
And for myself, I received a 5/10 score, and was asked not to return to Atelier: “You’re too strict. You don’t go off the path. You don’t play. You would do well in Forum. Or maybe even Lab. I looked at your notebook: you’re a thinker. I’m sorry, but you can’t be in Atelier.”
If you are a student featured here and would like your name associated with your work (for like, the Googlin’ hits), drop me a message jeff [atsy] jeffwerner [dotsy] ca. And apologies to anyone I missed.
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