Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Design Exchange Portfolio and Application

Due this week (Feb. 16) is the application consisting of two letters of reference, an brief essay and a portfolio. I’m looking for feedback on this draft of the portfolio:
Werner Portfolio Exchange Draft 004 [604kb PDF].
Update (Feb. 15/07)
Werner Portfolio Exchange Draft 007 [740kb PDF]. Changes include landscape layout for screen, addition of tube bed project, grammar and explanatory changes. Some images updated.
The target audience for this portfolio is the exchange selection committee at Emily Carr. For the design faculty I may be competing against up to 36 other Industrial Students for four exchange slots. Should I be selected my application is then sent to the institutions of my choice for another approval process by them. The schools I want are currently (and subject to change):

  1. Design Academy, Eindhoven
  2. KHB, Berlin
  3. Designskolen Kolding
  4. And possibly a well-known ID school in the USA






5 Responses to “Design Exchange Portfolio and Application”

  1. Abi Avatar

    looks and feel pretty good, but one thing
    the line length for the description/blurb is way too short, bounces your eye around a little too much, either use two units of the grid or all three, even if the line took up that entire span (the area that the 3 text blocks occupy) that would be about say…65 characters, which is still good.

  2. Tyler Avatar

    In regards to abi’s comment, I didn’t feel it was hard to read the 3 columns of text. If you did change it, I’d say 2 columns rather than 1.

  3. Andreas Avatar

    I admired the way you managed to convey the machine construction (part 1) with so few images.
    I think you can consider to elaborate on the process (“the story”) a bit more, especially on the parka and the second part of the time machine.
    I am pleased to see dice man in several different settings, and I think potential viewers will think that too.

  4. Graham Avatar

    Overall it looked good to me. I have a number of comments about the text, which are below.
    Like Abi, I found it annoying to read the three columns of text, because the number of split words interrupted the flow of my reading. For example, on page six the following words are split across lines or columns:
    stu-dent, incorporat-ing, mecha-nism, coun-ter-bouy, pres-ent, ma-chine.
    On page 3, you mention the pun “Finding a Tion”, but I think this should read “Found A Tion”, as depicted in the photographs.
    On page 7, I don’t know why you mention your Italian professor, and I found it made the sentence less clear. If it is important leave it in though.
    On page 8, the last sentence is difficult to understand. I also think the word “register” should be “registers”.
    On Page 9, the word “exploration” should be “exploring”, I think.
    On Page 12, I don’t understand the sentence that ends with “… experiment in design thinking, work and input from other artists and designers.”
    Hope this helps.

  5. Dylan Avatar

    On the Time Machine (b) page shouldn’t the first sentence be “you were asked to make a….” instead of “we made”.
    When I read it, I got to the two choices you had, and then you clarified. But if it’s clearer it was part of the assignment then I understand your choice for solution better. I don’t know if that makes sense.
    Also, I’m repeating foundation english this semester, so you may want to ignore this anyways.

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