- 16-01 00:03
- Long day for me. Still getting ready to leave in…5 hours. I am impressed what your doing over there. Tell me all about it when I get back. Miss you.
- 16-01 07:29
- I am at the airport with Toni. Just bought a cheap corny t shirt. Not enough sleep. Thinking of you.
- 16-01 08:43
- I am in yogya. No joke.*
- 16-01 16:51
- I just saw Prambanan and am now at the foot of Borobudur. It’s very romantic. Would be more so with you.
- 16-01 20:34
- A most lovely evening for me. Up again at 4am for the temple. Hope you’re well.
- 17-01 08:31
- Oh my your bike. That must have been hell. I feel for you. I just saw the most lovely sunrise over Borobudur. then breakfast at its base.
- 17-01 16:01
- If i could i would come back right now. I leave for the train to jakarta in 8 hours.
- 17-01 18:46
- Smoking on the club house terrace at Losari. Alone but for the thoughts of you.
- 17-01 18:52
- Lighting over the three volcanos and the call to prayer in the distance. A got a ginger tea and not another person in sight…a pity you’re not.
- 17-01 22:00
- Belum. I get 4 hours of sleep first. About to take a got bath. Thinking of you in many ways (and many positions)
- 18-01 06:51
- On the train right now. Rice padi for miles. And the ocean.
- 18-01 07:44
- You are pretty sweet, so i understand. Cant wait to see, touch and taste your sweetness again.
- 18-01 09:26
- I think 42 is a special number. But a bit too many for that office. Still on the train watching a indo kung fu movie.
- 18-01 17:19
- Got your message just as i was getting off the train and onto mr Bambang’s motorbike. Am now in his village and will set off tomorrow on 225km bicycle ride.
- 19-01 05:29
- I am on the highway with 20 indo men on bicycles.
- 19-01 11:40
- Now done 100 km and are stopping at a mosque to pray.
- 19-01 12:07
- Despite the holiness of this moment with all my friends suplicating as the iman wails above me…i think of all the ways i want touch you.
- 19-01 14:41
- Still riding. Starting to rain. 65 more km.
- 19-01 16:57
- Still on the ride that will never end. In some mountains on a dirt road in Sundanese villages. I am the first white man many have seen. Gettin dark. Wish luck.
- 19-01 18:34
- Still in the middle of the jungle. Still stopping to pray. Still on this bike ride.
- 19-01 19:21
- The lake we are riding by is large and in a moon landscape.we are above it.
- 19-01 21:06
- I would give a lot to be laying next to you right now.
- 19-01 23:31
- Riding. Riding. Riding.
- 20-01 00:13
- We are finally giving in. 20 hours of riding and we are now looking for a truck for the final 40km.
- 20-01 01:53
- I am now in the back of a yellow truck with 14 bikes and 14 men. Standing room only with the wind in our hair. Some are sleeping.
- 20-01 11:27
- Arrived at 245am . 5 hour sleep. Now sittin in middle of fish pond with men
- 20-01 13:08
- I feel like a prisoner. We just keep doing nothing and wasting time. I am looking a way to escape. God i wish i was in bali.
- 20-01 15:36
- Looking at pictures of you in my head. 48 more hours. Stuck again somewhere in java again. Feel like a hostage.
- 20-01 15:47
- Hehe ya thanks. Sorry for yelling but the traffic is hell and i am in hell.
- 20-01 16:20
- I have resigned myself and will begin to come terms with spending the rest of my days wandering the roads of java at 5km an hour.
- 20-01 19:34
- Still riding.
- 20-01 19:37
- I will be ok. Just another day in hell.
- 20-01 21:57
- I had no idea how bad an idea this trip turned out to be. Still on the highway.
- 21-01 02:00
- It just ended. Hell has subsided for now. Just got back. We will do many soft and sensual things together to make up for this.
- 21-01 15:49
- I am on a bus to the airport. Was just thinking of you, too.
- 21-01 16:58
- At the airport. Surprisingly uneventfull trip though I did almost fight a young man who was being rude to a woman at the bus depot.
- 22-01 00:12
- Survived. See you tomorrow? I am at the school at 10 then another meeting in Ubud after lunch. Will take a hotel room for the next 4 nights.
- 22-01 00:27
- Coffee, kiss and more.
- 22-01 08:19
- Morning beautiful. See you in a few hours.
* Ed. note: Yogya is pronounced ‘Joke-jah’
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