Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Future Perfect Career 1

Fuel in a clear bag
A typically Chipchase moment I published last year.
June 15, 2007:
OK allow me to think aloud for a moment and bounce something off you,
I’m trying to distill exactly what it is that really interests me in life. I tend not to distinguish between personal and career interests, right, so I realize my interests aren’t that clear in my head likely because I have so many. So I was making a sky-is-the-limit list and came up with some of these:
Careers and Work I like

  • Journalism
  • Photo Journalism
  • Design
    • Graphic Design
    • Advertising Design
    • Art Direction
    • Usability Consulting
    • Urban Planning
    • Public Transportation
  • Politics
    • Municipal
    • Policy Advising
    • Research
  • Cultural Management
    • Curator
    • Historian

    Then I asked myself, if there were an ideal job you’d like to have right now, what would it be? And that answer is multiple, too, from running a little conceptual design consultancy in Vancouver with some ECI kids, to being the next Robert Capa war correspondent. But as of June 15, 2007 (because these notions I have change quickly), The one job I want most in the world right now is working with head Nokia field researcher Jan Chipchase.
    Chipchase has a blog I admire, and am basically in awe of every day, aka Future Perfect. The guy is in charge of envisioning, through pure observation of cultural behaviour, where mobile communications are going to be in 3-10 years. He and his team travel the globe, from first to third world, doing interviews, photo documentation and deciphering, then compiling their findings and presenting them to both Nokia and the design and business world. It’s research, theory, travel and presentation, my four favourite things. And it’s often not all about making money for a phone company.
    So now my question is, how do I make something like this happen? How do I get (or make) that job? I figured my next two months off in SE Asia are a perfect place to start.
    Kite string wound around a plastic bottle
    More Chipchase-like research.






    4 Responses to “Future Perfect Career 1”

    1. Lizsu Avatar

      sounds like a great dream career to follow :) can’t wait for the next part and the real-life tidbits ;3

    2. Brother Barfy Avatar

      You do something, however specialized, better then he does and make sure he sees it.
      Or you pay me to beat him up during lunch break.

    3. Post Saver - Website voting and saving system Avatar

      Eci Bookmarks

      Bookmarked your page with keywords eci!

    4. Stephan Avatar

      Looking forward to see your follow up post ;)

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