Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Philippines Bicycle Hunt

Or more specifically: How to Buy a Used Road Bike in Manila. A set of instructions.
View of the handlebars while riding
View of my new used bike riding a street somewhere in Quezon City, Metro Manila. It veers right without hands but otherwise pretty great.
Spend two months spanning half the country asking everyone you meet where to buy a used bicycle. Give up looking.
Google ‘philippines cycling touring ride bicycle travel buy bike used shop’. Give up looking.
Answer a two-page email interview and three-stage sign-up process to join the Yahoo Philippines Cycling Network Group. Post greeting and message looking for riding friends and advice. Get no response for one week.
Lose track of Yahoo Group credentials. Repeat sign-up procedure. Post message about wanting to buy used bike. Get responses for new bikes but no used ones.
Begin extensive email exchange with excellent photos from Yahoo Group member Joash who contacts you with details about his old touring-style bike in Manila.
Work extra two weeks on your internship in the North but continue to promise Joash that you will check out his bicycle “any day now.”
Arrive in Manila and check out bicycle. Start to realize how many extra things you and the bike need to ride around Asia for five weeks. Spend half the day with Joash going to bike stores getting parts and repairs done.
A large bulge in the front tire
The original tire. It blew halfway back to Joash’s house with no spare.
Spend next half of day in another Metro Manila City and 12 different bike stores finding and not finding the following things:

  • Bottle cage (P120)
  • ‘alloy’ frame pump (P150)
  • Presta valve adaptor (P20)
  • Tire levers (P80)
  • ‘Japanese’ patch kit (P70)
  • Cable lock (P200)
  • Allen key set (P130)
  • Cardboard bike box (where?)
  • 700×28-28c tubes and tires (where?)
  • Rear rack (of even minor quality where?)
  • Downtube shifters with frame clamp (where?)

Bike store receipts
Receipts form the six stores that actually had what I needed. A typical scenario: spend 46 cents on a presta valve adaptor with help from three of the six young female employees who will then provide a hand-written receipt for it.
Spend half what the bicycle cost buying bike parts and the five taxi trips to find them.
Give directions back to your host home area that no one has heard of to a racist sex-obsessed cab driver. Get off when conversation and directions get worse. Begin exchanging 18 text messages with host family how to find you / them.
Arrive home after dark. Write report about buying a used bike in Manila. Sleep.
Joash riding in traffic wearing his helmet
Joash accompanies me to see his favourite mechanic. Note the dropbar on his back that I just couldn’t be bothered using in the end (see problems with STI shifters, cassette spacing, bar tape, replacing cables).
A mechanics hands replacing a bicycle deraileur
It was either spend 1,000 pesos on tools or get Joash’s mechanic, Jaime, at Carlito’s Bike Shop in Quezon City, to wrench it for me at 40 pesos an hour. Here he swaps out the rear SIS-quality ‘roller’ aka rear deraileur for a new, P650 Acera one.
View of bike store
Carlito’s Bike Shop. About the size of a closet, with mechanics working on the sidewalk.
Bike store employees behind the counter
Some of Carlito’s employees, or at least kids behind the counter.
The bike mechanic
Adjusting the limiters (still goes into spokes at the back, off the big in the front).
Adjusting a bicycle bottom bracket with a nail and hammer
Tightening the bottom bracket.
A Filipino man next to his bicycle
Joash, 27-year-old triathalon racer, with the bike he sold me. He says he already started to really miss the bike but is happy it is going an adventure.





18 Responses to “Philippines Bicycle Hunt”

  1. sc0 Avatar

    Nice Jeffery, nice.

  2. brother barfy Avatar
    brother barfy

    The Gericks of the east.

  3. Jenn Avatar

    Good luck my friend! I hope you have the wind at your back and keep the rubber side down, (two of my favorite good wishes I received this summer).
    You do realize you could have gotten somebody in Canada to gather you the odds and ends for your rebuild of your bike and send them to you-right? I suppose there would be no fun in that though ;)

  4. Jenn Avatar

    Good luck my friend! I hope you have the wind at your back and keep the rubber side down, (two of my favorite good wishes I received this summer).
    You do realize you could have gotten somebody in Canada to gather you the odds and ends for your rebuild of your bike and send them to you-right? I suppose there would be no fun in that though ;)

  5. A Avatar

    “One Stop Bicycle and Electrical Supply”
    “Global Craze Corp”
    Do all the stores have English names and receipts?
    Also, it’s nice to see they use hammers like all good bike mechanics.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    many happy trails Jeff! looking forward to the tales :)

  7. Carrie Avatar

    many happy trails Jeff! looking forward to the tales :)

  8. 2per Santos Avatar

    welcome to the philippines man. what can i say. u’ve gone looking at the wrong places. had you gone to the places frequented by cyclists, such as the mall of asia complex in Manila’s bay area, you would have found great items.

  9. Omi Avatar

    I also want to buy a good (used) bike.. How can I get one? I’m from Quezon City

  10. jet sales Avatar
    jet sales

    hehehe.. si josh din ang nagbenta sa akin ng trainer niya..hehehe

  11. nuben Avatar

    My name is Nuben I WORK IN THIS COOL SHOP in singapore its a trek shop and they are looking for an experienced bicycle mechanic ..anyone interested please email me at
    Great and the best \shop in asia

  12. Nick Avatar

    just us here at http://www.PinoyMTBiker.Org – Philippines’ Mountain Biking Community, they got list of trails, fun rides events, exchange/share ideas and meet people along the way.

  13. Lily Avatar

    Dear Sir or Madam:
    Sorry to disturb you,This is Lily from Jiangmen city Guangdong China.I’m glad to meet you on the internet. I hold wholesale business in electric vehicle and bicycle spare parts. We supply all spare parts and Accessories from china. We have very big Spare parts Shop in the market.Specialzes in saddle、pedal、tube and tires、pump 、lock and bicycle basket etc. especially the pump and saddle are very popular .retail & wholesale all business welcome. Small part we can mail by DHL / UPS and the like . IF you need big quantity spare part we can shipping by sea. we can also find any goods you may need in short time at low prices. Enclosing the photos.Please contact us if you want to know more about our product! We will do our best to supply you first-class products and services at low prices.
    Thank you and best regards!

  14. Ben D. Villamor Avatar
    Ben D. Villamor

    no comment it’s okey very nice bicycle

  15. michael Avatar

    i am looking for a size 18″ tubes/interior, where can i get one?

  16. Ken Avatar

    cars that sell like pancakes in the Philippines..
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    you can choose the color…
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    Order direct from a manufacturer
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    Cars you can give to your family…
    Suzuki carry cab, Bayan Cab, Pajero
    Philippine used cars, Manila Cars
    Cebu multicab, Japan surplus Pajero
    Fb type, OFW, easy ride, Phil-AM

  17. bisikletapilipinas Avatar

    it’s more fun in the philippines. haha.

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