Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

R80 05 The 10,000lb elephant in the room

Did I mention we’re powder coating the frame, so we’d like to have the drive shaft out of the swing arm, but I couldn’t get the end nut—which is inside the drive cone—off?

Took it to my buddy’s automotive garage where a vibrating Snap-on tool (looks like a 1950s little ray gun), followed by an impact gun, got it off. Not easy, but not bad: about 15 minutes of contemplating and actual elbow grease.

The pressfit part…much harder. All sorts of pounding and vice-holding and blowtorching wouldn’t budge it. However a 10,000lb half bearing press, plus some blow torch heat did, barely, and with a bang when it did finally release.

Beyond me, and almost beyond my buddy’s tool.
Seems strange that the press-fit is round-to-round (even if conical) for something applying large amounts of torque on the same plane…but I guess when it’s 10,000lbs to get it to release, sure.
A liberating sight.

Photos (and brute force) courtesy Eurotune.






2 Responses to “R80 05 The 10,000lb elephant in the room”

  1. […] you the bike to go you need a shaft in the swing arm. Putting this back together was much easier then getting it apart (which we had done to paint the swing arm). In this case leaving an old nut at 150lbs on one of the […]

  2. greg ingegniero Avatar
    greg ingegniero

    A tapered fit chuck is used on lathes, and holds on a hell of alot stronger than one might expect. Much respect to your dedication.

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