Correlate iTunes track ratings with play counts, play count acceleration, and time. As in, for ex. as a song’s play count increases, and the durations between play cycles decreases, over time a predication could be made by the software as to that track’s star rating, for ex. A rapidly-increasing play count may indicate I like this song a lot and the rating goes from default 0 to maximum 5 stars. As play counts decrease rating slowly decreases. People’s music tastes change, and sometimes change abruptly. I don’t always listen to tracks I rated 5 stars last year.
A lot of teenagers seem to ride freestyle bikes around Ladner Exchange. The leisure centre nearby? Delta fashion? It is flat out there?
Vancouver transit fare system: inefficient, poor usability, costly, environmentally bad.
The quite death of chequing?
Don’t see Blue Velvet on a first date.
Wikipedia as Google/Internet.
Research anything long enough and you can talk yourself into/out of it.
What is my definition of West Coast? Why haven’t I taken more advantage of what it has to offer? Is the West Coast my truest sense of place?
Student Furniture Design: A set of Criteria. Portable. Affordable. Budgetable. Buildable. Durable. Environmental. Sturdy. Creative Commons?
Managing design “like a film director” – Professor Chen.
What would Jodorowsky say? Design with your testicles. Actually, Sagmeister might say that, too.
Graphic Design = Engineering image and text.
“Techno-Economic” – Design History TA Marsha
The problem with razors: throughput. Bottle neck. Cleaning after each stroke.
Body hair: I have much more/darker hair than I did a year ago. Why do men get more hair years after puberty? What is the evolutionary purpose? Or it’s a by-product/the price to pay for having nicer, less-hair bodies in our teenage prime? Seeing into my crystal ball?
Itching and scabs: if it’s better not to do them, why do we have an almost overwhelming desire to? By-product of being extra-aware or potential threats, body confuses scabs and itches as bugs?
Freestyle biker photo I put in the Delta masthead a CC courtesy by
Recent Ideas, Thoughts, Observations
6 Responses to “Recent Ideas, Thoughts, Observations”
Ya what’s going on via the hair…I’m covered in it.
I disagree entirely with your thoughts on Translink passes. I think the idea of combining the receipt and transfer into a single item is being environmentally conscious. Don’t forget, old people hours away from death are terrified of their own debit card. We need to wait a few more decades until we move to wi-fi and bio-recognition systems. The ancient people simply cannot, and refuse to adapt to emerging technologies.
And what you talking about poor usability! For two bux you get access to then entire transportation network for 1.5 hours. That’s quite a deal. -
Hmm, interesting take, Dave, and I’ve had similar counter arguments presented before so you’re not the only one. I’m going to write an extended post on this, but for now I’ll address a couple items you bring up:
1. I actually think the current ticket system is more confusing for everyone, us young tech-savy types included. Almost without fail, everyone who encounters the system for the first time (or even the 80th time) can’t figure out which way to insert the card in the reader. I believe the old system still in use in Victoria is far easier: you just show your transfer slip.
2. Usability and price are in most ways two seperate things. The Vancouver tickets are not very “usable” in that they are not intuitive. It’s hard to tell which way to insert them.
3. Compared to Victoria’s tiny newsprint transfer receipts, Vancouver’s card stock tickets also have a magnetic stripe on them: not nearly as biodegradable.
4. There are other alternatives to replacing the current system than just plastic swipe cards, wi-fi or bio-recognition. -
RE: Transit passes
See, I don’t know, coming from Toronto, I actually find the transit passes very easily usable. Although I do (often) put the thing in backwards when push comes to shove (and when drink comes to drunk).
However, I kinda find the system convienient, though I do realise it uses quite a bit of paper.
I also think the pay system for the Skytrain is however, stupid. TURNSTILES HELLO. -
dearest jefferey
i was wondering about what other aspects of the transit system in vancouver is environmentally bad.
lovellen -
The train system tickets in Japan are much better. They are smaller (about the size of a beer ticket) and can be inserted in any orientation (I think).
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