- Stayed in town for a gallery opening
- Went for a hike with the Moms
- Pulled over before feeling too sleepy
- Signed up for a friend’s bachelor party
- Encouraged high school art students
- Caught up with an old friend
- Mingled with many acquaintances at a party instead of just close friends
- Wrote a testimonial for a mentor
- Blocked for a teammate, then drove a new break for laps, sprinted and won
- Got a new design contract
- Finally cleaned the bathroom
- Wrote an apology letter
Rights I Made Last Week
One response to “Rights I Made Last Week”
This is still my favourite blog.
My 2nd favourite blog is http://bryanpendleton.blogspot.com/. I’m just writing that so that when that guy self-googles, he discovers your blog, and then he can be as happy as I am.
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