Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Security, Use and Packaging

Security and indications thereof: cashiers bag and then tie your groceries closed before exiting the store. SM Hypermart, Mall of Asia, Manila, Philippines.

Security and legitimacy: a cashier rings you through while another employee bags and then seals your purchase shut, then the cashier affixes your receipt before exiting the line. A floor security guard checks your purchase and another positioned at the exit marks your receipt. NCCC Dept. Store, Puerto Princessa, Palawan, Philippines.

A 75-year-old banister knoll routing a Cat 5 internet cable upstairs. Host home, Manila, Philippines.

Language and message. Of note, none of the directions on the back of the trays had been vandlized or altered to read something humurous or derogatory (like every Western-destination plane I’ve travelled on). Language barrier or non-custom? Or simply a newer plane? Phillipines Airlines, Manila to Puerto Princesa, April 30, 2007.

Packaging form, convention, intended use and indicator of contents. Pasta sauce isle, NCCC super market, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines.

Sardine aisle, NCCC super market, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines.

Assumptions and observations. Mold in the keyboard at family home with no windows. Climate, and use in a climate, of a product or service. Designing for the universal (the HVAC office building) or diverse with one concept or many, or slight variations or modifications.

Again, designing for unexpected use and environments which often only first-hand research can bring to light. Does the underside of the passenger seat hold sharp surprises for bare feet? Is it expecting them? Returning from the beach, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines.

Changing values and the detritus of previous systems, the role of convention and ways the designer can invest new values in old ones. Philippines Airlines Airbus plane.
More observations during a Philippines internship.






5 Responses to “Security, Use and Packaging”

  1. ginger Avatar

    My mom taught me to put my trash in that little smoking compartment when I was younger.

  2. Dave Avatar

    That’s crazy security for a simple store… and I suppose it is in place because of passed loses. But maby you could design a new store layout so they don’t need so many people to do such a simple task. Just throwing people power at a problem I see as a cop-out. Even so, that solution is still often used in North American banking :)

  3. Dylan Avatar

    I’ve never actually seen vandalism on a plane. And I know certain peoples who are prone to uhhhh… street art..
    also, sardine AISLE?

  4. Josh Avatar

    I’ve been on flights where the ash tray was actually welded shut with a big ugly bead of steel. It gave the clean, polite, yet firm no smoking signs and recorded requests/euphemistic statments of “Thank you for not smoking” a dark undertone of “seriously, or else…”

  5. Gregory  Avatar

    The picture of the keyboard is really disgusting. I would never touch such a keyboard. Don’t they do any cleaning in their homes? They are not supposed to keep stuff in their house if they cannot clean it.

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