All Day Event
This intensive, theme-based assignment is for all Communication and Industrial Design students in all three years at Emily Carr. The Charrette will last only one day.
Food and Eating
The Charrette theme is “Food and Eating,” an interdisciplinary topic relevant to studies in design but also social and economic issues, sustainability and health. The Charrette also coincides with a number of course assignments in the department as well as the lecture series “Eat Me, Drink Me!” presented by the Critical + Cultural Studies department.
Lecture and Project
The day will begin with a kick-off guest lecture followed by a design brief, an extended, collaborative work session and ending with final presentations / dinner celebration.
Everyone Can Participate
All Communication and Industrial design students will be given special exemption from their regularly scheduled classes to participate in the Charrette.
Guest: Herb Barbolet
Herb Barbolet has been active in community development for more than 30 years. He now works in food policy research, linking food to community economic development, health and safety, environment, social justice, and international development – from the very local to the global.
Herb has a B.A. in Urbanism, a Master’s in Community Development, and doctoral studies in Community Development and later in Community Planning and Political Economy. As Associate with the Centre for Sustainable Community Development at Simon Fraser University since 2003 he has co-authored food assessment studies for provincial health authorities and a guide to food assessments for the provincial health services authority.
Herb consulted on the establishment of the Vancouver Food Policy Council. He was the founder of FarmFolk/CityFolk, an internationally recognized NGO. He appears regularly on CBC Radio Almanac’s Food Panel. Herb was also a founding member of the commercial companies Glorious Garnish and Seasonal Salad Co. Ltd., and Chocolate Arts, Ltd.
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