Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Squash BC photo

Not to be an aesthetic tyrant all the time, but the header image of a squash player on the Squash BC web site bothers me. First impression is that of a disability squash association, and the person pictured is a disabled athlete. Which makes a critique of the image seem more insensitive. But the awkward straining of the arms, the whale-and-dolphin t-shirt, the open mouth






6 Responses to “Squash BC photo”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    I don’t think that that kid is disabled. You are also insensitive. :)

  2. Jeff Werner Avatar

    Ya, we’d probably all look disabled if we paused ourselves in mid-sport. The Squash BC image just naws at me. How do I tactifully ask them to change it?

  3. SHawn Avatar

    He is a special boy.

  4. Matthew Avatar

    Are you crazy? That photo is one of the local juniors squash players who is NOT handicapped in the least. He is learning how to play in this photo and happens be showing great promise as an athlete. Didn’t your mother teach you to never make assumptions…?

  5. Jenn Avatar

    Ha ha, that is funny! The more I look at him the harder I giggle!
    PS nice new format Jeffy!

  6. Victoria Daryl Avatar

    That photo would have looked a lot better if it didn’t have the lines through it, and if the font was a little bit more contrasting in colour.

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