Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Studying in Translation

So while most of my Dutch peers and instructors conduct our Public Space Department classes in English at the Design Academy Eindhoven, often entirely for my benefit (sometimes I’m the only non-Dutch at the table)–and for which I must say I am so grateful and in debt to for such accommodating kindness and self-restraint–they’ll still occasionally lapse into Dutch to sort out a complicated subject and then forget to lapse back into English.
And sometimes it happens in the mass mailings, too. An excerpt from some emails that were sent to the class, which I translate from Dutch to English using the Babel Fish Translator and then try to figure out who the hell sent them, what the hell they’re talking about, and if I should be worried about it.
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Subject: Re: excursie Emscherpark
Body (Babel Fish translation):
Day ——. This meanss that I can the space on Strijp call off s. Just as then can Trudo let know it to others available put. Groet —— ps I understand that your Tuesday goes to Emscherpark. Monday sit I on a discussion concerning the future of the academy and cannot therefore accompany. Ester is there, however. Let its just as know where she must come gone. Wednesday 5 March I am also in end courts and try come by end of the day on waistcoat dike. Groet ——
Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Subject: examenbegeleiding
Body (Babel Fish translation):
Dear end examination students. —— and I its Tuesday 14 April as from 9.30 presently your work shop in the bell bldg.. We have up to 12 hours. you want take into account with that your planning. Groet ——
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008
Subject: dinsdag
Body (Babel Fish translation):
Day kind people Because we lessons have had little, and Rien nevertheless still for the schouw want assess, I have got exactly that to hear I pleasing Tuesday appraisal of Rien heb(eigenlijk free yielded milaan). I hoef in principle only everything to lay down, but must do therefore still much. I weet how I will get it all finished. I iniedergeval will come by Saturday to take away the oranges and he who weet still what so that to do I Tuesday possibly still what can show. groeten and success, —— but p.s I have 1 project therefore that squint-eyed zoiezo in time!;)
—— Some names withheld for privacy.






2 Responses to “Studying in Translation”

  1. Tobias Avatar

    “There are only two things I can’t stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures… and the Dutch. ”
    -Nigel Powers

  2. Jason Avatar

    That’s insane. ANd very funny!

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