Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada


  • Personal Measures

    Personal Measures

    Gauge blocks built to specification for important angles in my life. Water jet-cut steel, custom cut foam in wood case, guidebook and poster design.

  • Foundation Show

    Foundation Show

    Joint concept, design, printing and photography. Our four-person project was the winning entry in a juried competition to promote the University’s year-end Foundation show. A poster, series of flyers, wayfinding system, signage, and exhibition labelling were designed and produced. In collaboration with Tobias Ottahal, Amanda Huynh and Andreas Brœndhaugen.

  • Personal Colour Theory

    Conceptual exploration into generating relationships between coloured areas in a calendar-like layout. Flexing the backing produces new shadows and reflections of adjacent ‘days’. Vancouver, 2006.

  • Valentine’s Cabaret

    Valentine’s Cabaret

    University cabaret, pub night and fundraiser organized by first-year students at the Emily Carr Institute. Timeline for marketing was about two weeks, budget around $0.

  • Taraxca Silver

    Client Taraxca Sterling Silver Responsibilities Information architecture, design, photography, construction, hosting Technologies CSS, XHTML, Fireworks, Illustrator, Photoshop

  • Women’s Squash Weekend

  • Society of Architectural Historians

    Client Society of Architectural Historians, Marion Dean Ross / Pacific Northwest Chapter Responsibilities Information architecture, design, construction, hosting Technologies CSS, XHTML, Movable Type, Fireworks

  • Squash Grip

  • Power Hiking

    Logo design for personal trainer, Victoria, 2004.

  • Ceremonial Furniture

    Client Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, University of Victoria Responsibilities Information architecture, design, photo editing, construction Technologies Fireworks, Dreamweaver, HTML