Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Temporary Public Objects






4 Responses to “Temporary Public Objects”

  1. Tobias Avatar

    It’s funny, the different preconceptions one has about the timeframe that should be attached to the word “temporary”. What came to my mind when I read the introductory blurb was mainly disposable things like matches or napkins, whereas I considered a garabge can to be a “permanent” object (it’s there “all the time”) and something for “permanent use” because people come back to it repeatedly.
    But, if one wants to take the question of timeframes to the extreme, isn’t everything we know of temporary? It’s just that some things end after our lifetime (consider the life-span of our entire human race for example) so we can’t be bothered with their temporality in our everyday lives.
    I realize now that I am babbling and will shut up. I’m just in essay-writing mode. F****ing Intradisciplinary Seminars.

  2. R Avatar

    this reminds me of Marc Auge’s book “Non-Places: Introduction to anthropology of supermodernity”

  3. Tyler Avatar

    Cool project. Well done. Seems to feature a lot of urinals. And is dude in the brown jacket peeing on the wall?

  4. Andreas Avatar

    I like this series a lot. I think there’s a lot of things we don’t really consider as being subject to design, so examining that is healthy.

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