Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Where’s my wireless shifting?

And other bike technology we’ve been waiting years for?
Come on, chains on bikes? Cogs? They were using chains in Ancient Egypt. Alistair just realized road bikes have 20 speeds. We agree that’s still slow progress. Where’s our infinite-gearing, internal-shifting rear hubs?
Bicycle Technology We Should Have By Now:

  • Single belt drive
  • Wireless electronic shifting control
  • Only one shifter, on right side of bars, integrated in tops and hoods like Shimano’s current Flight Deck computer control, i.e. two buttons
  • No wait, since the gearing would be infinite, buttons incorrectly assume fixed, finite positions. Shifting would be a slider control—no, an iPod-like control wheel to increase/decrease gearing
  • That internal, infinite hub of course makes most of this possible
  • Oh that’d be funny if racers started hacking into competitor’s shifting systems
  • Hmm, while we’re at it, how about magnetic braking or something, too. Magnetic drive train?

Add your own gripe and/or wish in the comments.






4 Responses to “Where’s my wireless shifting?”

  1. Joakim Næss Lea Avatar

    Why stop at the bikes own properties. Let’s integrate the internet so that we can also work while we ride around downtown exercising.
    A technology-boost in the bikeindustry surely would give us another platform to live our lifes from.
    Add some Wi-Fi, lcd, brains, and pooff! People would hop on the new hype and do their work while biking.
    IP-telephone and bluetooth headset? Yes.
    E-mail and newsfeeds automatically read out loud? Sure.
    And of course, the rainproof cover comes in various colors for every personality.

  2. Dave Avatar

    What about two wheele drive bikes? Despite the extra friction involved there may be a use with mountain bikes.
    Also, how about changing bikes pivot point further back, in essence the bike bends down the middle. I cannot see it improving anything like turning radius, but it sure would look cool.

  3. Jonathan Aquino Avatar

    Jeff – There’s another Victoria cyclist-blogger I’ve found: Dave Noisy – Thought you’d be interested, as you share the interest in cycling.

  4. Malcolm Avatar

    I actually saw a driveshaft mounted on a sweet bike the other day. I couldn’t find a good photo on the net so check this out.

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