Henry David Thoreau
A man may be very industrious, and yet not spend his time well. There is no more fatal blunderer than he who consumes the greater part of life getting his living.
D. Eisenhower
I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Easy reading is damned hard writing.
Will Durant
Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
George Bernard Shaw
When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth.
Kahlil Gibran
I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.
Cars eat gas
The Girlfriend’s car is eating through an exorbitant amount of gas these days. Even taking into account this summer’s price hike at the pumps, the little red ’86 Mazda 323 seems to have sucked up at least three $40 refills in the last 1000 kms. I remarked the car probably has an eating disorder, or…
The Village: An analysis
Note: the following critique contains big spoilers! OK, so The Village (2004) is about a group of people who lived in the “towns”, who all suffered a violent and criminal loss of a loved one, and who voluntarily start new lives and families together as an isolated community. Surrounding the entire village is an off-limits…
August 2004 Seahorses One of the many amazing creatures featured in this photo gallery website dedicated to seahorses. Swanksigns A collection of funny public signs, a hobby we have all enjoyed at one time. Pacer This is a sweet ad for a sweet car. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Possibly the most exciting link this…
Ceremony of the Flags
View of Canadian Sea Cadets firing the gun during the annual Ceremony of the Flags on the BC Leg. lawns. The audience was warned to cover the ears of babies and pets during the booms.
Red sun
With the first overcast (with polution?) sky in almost two weeks, the sun was red last night.
Beacon Hill Drive-In
If you go to the Beacon Hill Drive-In, get the hot fudge sundae. And during this, the tourist season, when you’re forced to que for your ice cream there, take the line that goes through the door and into the establishment on the side rather than the usual order windows along the front. Tonight with…
Good Dog, Peaches
Peaches, 1991-2004.
Moving the Home 02
Moms with home. Pilings in foreground, foundation exposed, basement studs, then first floor wall with kitchen windows and deck door. Foundation and pilings to be completely buried, and will have (the pilings) posts going up another story to support the first-floor deck. Second floor and roof not built yet. My hands, I now realize, could…
Moving the Home
Including taxes/fees, a flight from Victoria to Kelowna on Saturday morning cost me $78 and took 50 minutes (pictured: my view from seat 14A). The bus cost more and takes, well, 12 times as long. So it was straight from the plane to the Moms and her car. We bought two door knobs, some gloves…
Chad Vangaalen
Chad Vangaalen has spent the last ten years making music by himself in his Calgary, Alberta bedroom.
July 2004
AOOA A beautiful game/experiment in web entertainment and interaction by a student of graphic design. These kind of short, Flash-based, artistic, mildly-challenging games are sort of a genre of their own online now. Time “On June 17th, every year, [this] family goes through a private ritual: [they] photograph [them]selves to stop a fleeting moment, the…
End of an employment chapter
Just coded my last tag, fired off my last email, wrapped up four months as a contract employee with the local web design firm zero one design inc. A really valuable experience. So in the light of a great sunset tonight, some music on the winamp and a nice cold beer, alone I toast the…
Lethbridge Alderwoman: The End?
Perhaps the closing credits will roll on the Lethbridge, Alberta, Alderwoman scandal that is Dar Heatherington, story today in the G&M, and mentioned on here before. To summarize the latest news–in addition to its interesting bits about the cost of investigating her claims, the continued loyalty of a husband she’s accused, and the fact that…
fifty percent cashews
Updated at last, Be sure to catch the scientific video “Who Knew”. Doesn’t the fridge sound like Eraser Head to you?
Replacing awkward moments with awkwarder ones
There’s those awkward moments, when mingling at parties, which are to be expected and tactfully diverted, yet will occasionally bubble over into all-out social miscarriages like a barroom brawl.
For the Love of Bread
There’s this bread they make at Thriftys, that the girlfriend’s parents bought for dinner a couple weeks ago, that was just damn fine bread. West Coast Trail bread, or some such marketing moniker they (Thriftys) gave it.
DJ in red jacket
I’m trying to find a video clip that made the online rounds a number of years ago featuring a dorky Arab(?) DJ in a red jumpshit spinning some beats. It was humour. I think the format was QuickTime. No wait, he had a website with images and clips. What’s the URL?…hold the press, my good…
Summer To-Do List
An ever-expanding list of work, recreation and other things I’m gonna find time for.
Dallas Road
Victoria, BC.
A review in tabs: Nick Hornby’s Songbook
This review is more like a summary of my response to passages I recently tagged with little coloured sticky notes in Nick Hornby’s pleasant Songbook (2002, McSweeney’s Books)—short musings of some of his (the author’s) favourite pop songs and the genre in general.
Update: life in June
To fill some gaps between posts as I prepare some more comprehensive writings, some things I’ve been up to lately.
Current Projects
Current web projects I have in production, both as an employee of zero one and on my own: Museum-affiliated resource on shipwreck history; An arts organization summer event; Local athletic trainer; Northwest chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians.
Current Tracks
Bob Dylan – The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan Brian Eno – Music for Films Neil Young – Decade CSNY – So Far Crash Test Dummies – God Shuffled His Feet Note: Everything’s on actual store-bought CD, playing in my stereo.
Weber Charcoal BBQ Grill review
A review of why I bought a charcoal grill and a Weber model specifically, what I use with it, how I use it, what I think of it and the Weber brand overall, and questions I have about it and charcoal grilling in general.