Design of the 2025 exhibit “ReFramed” at the New Westminster Museum, featuring stories of under-represented communities told through photography from the museum’s archives. Working with the curator and the museum’s fabrication team I created the layout and designed the wall-to-wall murals, camera and artifact displays, an interactive photography studio, as well as all the graphic…
Branching Out Exhibit
Exhibit branding, marketing, and large format panel design and production for an exhibit at the New Westminster Museum and Archives. Working with the curatorial and install teams I was responsible for image selection from their archives, panel size, design, and materials, as well as overall look and feel of the marketing collateral. Exhibit posters. Exhibit cards…
Architectural Gems Exhibit
Exhibit branding, marketing, and large format panel design and production for an exhibit at the New Westminster Museum and Archives. Working with the curatorial and install teams I was responsible for image selection from their archives, panel size, design, and materials, as well as overall look and feel of the marketing collateral.
Saddle Bag
Design, testing and production sewing of a compact under-saddle cycling bag in over 500 units and 20 colourways . Snugs up tight, compact, discreet: no sagging sack under your ass. Holds an inner tube (up to 700×35), tire levers, an energy bar and a multitool. Cordura outer with hook & loop closure. Reflective tag faces behind you, offset to avoid…
The classic lightweight musette, upgraded. A shoulder bag for riding and urban commuting—or anyone on the go, on or off the bike. Folds small. Angled straps lay flat over the shoulder, snap and loop closures, double-stitched (French) seems. Created in a variety of styles.
Penguin Hat
Promotional handout for the Vancouver Aquarium. I designed the custom die-cut, offset printed run of 4,000. Two creased arcs encourage folding the flat print into a structured visor. Adjustable fit for children and adults. Illustration by New York-based artist Brendan Wenzel.
Advent Calendar
Push / Pull
Lamps for kicking, cramming, swinging and hanging. Created in conjunction with Re-Fab: Design for Sail, a partnership between Canada Place and Vancouver Architecture For Humanity Society to repurpose the fabric from the old Canada Place sails. Exhibited at the IDSWest (Interior Design Show West) in 2011. We created a series of material experiments—verbs to push sail with. We…
Beaty Museum Displays
Over the course of nine-months I was contracted to design, illustrate and produce exhibits and graphic collateral for the launch of the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at the University of British Columbia. I created over 100 displays examining a range of ecological, conservation and evolutionary topics, incorporating hundreds of specimens and working in conjunction with the…
Party Lock
Hand made in Vancouver, Party Lock is an extended take on the traditional bicycle u-lock. At two-and-a-half feet of zinc-plated steel, it’s designed to secure your bike, your friend’s bike, or your family’s bikes—or anyone else you’re pedalling about with—because those who cycle together stay together. Originally available at Walrus in Vancouver, 2010. Created with…
Lower Vancouver
During low tide a 0.5 cubic metre of sand is removed from the Spanish Banks beach in the City of Vancouver, lowering the average elevation of the city by 0.00000000055 per cent. August, 2009. Photography by Jason Edwards. With the assistance of Brian McBay, Michael Johnson, Oliver Li. Poster, shovel and bucket of sand later…
Nice Fit
A 16-month design thesis in collaboration with Tobias Ottahal, exploring how objects fit together in subtly satisfying ways. The project developed over two major phases and two manifestations: The table creates indentions for objects to fit into on demand; when the object is removed, the table becomes flat again. In addition to exploring conceptual and…
Personal Measures
Gauge blocks built to specification for important angles in my life. Water jet-cut steel, custom cut foam in wood case, guidebook and poster design.
Blind Man
Folding Clock
Paper, ink – Eindhoven, 2008.
While the roommates were away for the weekend I cleaned up the living room. Eindhoven, NL, 2008.
Design Bag
A bag design for designers. Vancouver, 2007.
Action Lunch Belt
Pumpin’ Parka
A 48-hour design charrette with the goal of encouraging designers to quickly evaluate the needs of people interacting within a defined geographic area and design an object to facilitate an unmet need. The charrette, directed by guest lecturer and Italian design educator Lorenzo Imbesi, tasked our group with researching, generating ideas, and fabricating a design…
Recycle Bed
Recycled cardboard tubes (found in dumpster behind print shop), modified to fit standard Ikea bed slats, plus routerred support legs. Vancouver, 2006. Used as my primary bed for five years before moving apartments, after which I recycled the bed.
Tin Can Phone
A functional tin can phone suspended from the Granville Street Bridge to Granville Island in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The quarter kilometre line created a surprisingly large amount of stress and pressure from the wind and its own weight. In collaboration with Misha Olynyk.
Foundation Show
Joint concept, design, printing and photography. Our four-person project was the winning entry in a juried competition to promote the University’s year-end Foundation show. A poster, series of flyers, wayfinding system, signage, and exhibition labelling were designed and produced. In collaboration with Tobias Ottahal, Amanda Huynh and Andreas Brœndhaugen.
Personal Colour Theory
Conceptual exploration into generating relationships between coloured areas in a calendar-like layout. Flexing the backing produces new shadows and reflections of adjacent ‘days’. Vancouver, 2006.
Dynamic Reality Censor System
Dice Man
Dice Man. An ongoing collaborative project with Andreas Brændhaugen, started 2005.
Big Deal