Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada

Vessel Process

Vessel for three peaches

Jeff Werner
Industrial Design 200
ID2 Core Studio, Assignment 2
Instructors: Louise St. Pierre & Christian Blyt
Emily Carr Institute
Fall 2006
Explore a vocabulary of form language for a specific end use within the constraints of simple materials and processes. Design and model a vessel for a specific number of objects. Use paper for your first set of iterations and sheet plastic for your final iteration.
Form communicates many things. Think about how your vessel invites use. How does it relate to the objects being held? What does it convey to the user about how to handle it, where to place it?
The following are jpegs of the PDF for the printed process book [PDF, 608kb] I designed and have handed in at the conclusion of this assignment. The printed version was full-colour on cardstock, 5.5″x8.5″ (as per ID2 requirements) held in a cardstock cover and bound with a large purple rubber band.
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book
page from process book






4 Responses to “Vessel Process”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    I like it…good photography…the mom

  2. Jason Avatar

    Mr. Werner— wow. Pretty sweet outcome. I like the shots of the various fruits and vegetables and nuts. Sweet.

  3. Julius Davies Avatar

    Reminds me of Madonna.

  4. Amanda Avatar

    Wha! I got that Madonna comment about mine, too..

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