Designer & bike rider in British Columbia, Canada


  • Lessons in Love and Life

    Lessons in Love and Life

    Interior concept, design, and print production.

  • Saddle Bag

    Saddle Bag

    Design, testing and production sewing of a compact under-saddle cycling bag in over 500 units and 20 colourways . Snugs up tight, compact, discreet: no sagging sack under your ass. Holds an inner tube (up to 700×35), tire levers, an energy bar and a multitool. Cordura outer with hook & loop closure. Reflective tag faces behind you, offset to avoid…

  • Musette


    The classic lightweight musette, upgraded. A shoulder bag for riding and urban commuting—or anyone on the go, on or off the bike. Folds small. Angled straps lay flat over the shoulder, snap and loop closures, double-stitched (French) seems. Created in a variety of styles.

  • LCC Rebrand

    LCC Rebrand

    Rebrand with new colour palette, logo and print & web themes for the Vancouver-based non-profit Language & Career College.

  • LCC Collateral

    LCC Collateral

    Re-brand and re-design of a variety of print materials for Vancouver based non-profit Immigrant Services Society Language & Career College, 2013–ongoing.

  • Weaving Conference

    Weaving Conference

    Logo and wordmark for a 2017 conference of weavers in the Pacific Northwest. Of note, the client, the Association of Northwest Weavers’ Guilds (lovely old ladies), were very friendly and the most organized to work with—they approached the branding of the conference three years in advance. The brief included the pre-selected “Treadle Lightly” pun to coincide…

  • Hubbub at City Hall

    Hubbub at City Hall

    Concept, branding and collateral for the end-of-semester exhibit and workshop for CityStudio, a non-profit education experiment that connects students with City of Vancouver staff on applied sustainability problem solving. With a budget of $200 and a one-month turnaround I developed the pop identity, a metaphor that plays off the kernels of ideas the students bring…

  • Nordri Wordmark

    Nordri Wordmark

    Custom wordmark and hull application in automotive vinyl on a refurbished North Sea 33 sailing boat, based out of Sidney, British Columbia. The name references the owner’s Scandinavian origins—Nordri being one the four dwarves of Norse mythology supporting the four cardinal directions. The eth character (crossbar on the ‘D’ in Nordri) is also a Scandinavian…

  • Vancouver Cyclocross Coalition

    Vancouver Cyclocross Coalition

    The newly-formed VCXC approached me to create a crest for their new cycling initiative. With a provided sketch and a couple evenings I iterated a number of wordmarks and monograms and developed them into a modernized heraldic crest for use on promotional posters, flyers and social media invites. The process involved hand sketching, scanning, digitizing,…

  • SFU Semester in Dialogue

    SFU Semester in Dialogue

    Marketing campaign, concept and branding guidelines for Simon Fraser University’s Semester in Dialogue program. Working with directors, staff and faculty I coordinated a series of meetings and collaborative documents to distill the primary goals and obstacles the program faced in marketing itself and attracting not only more students within the university but also students of…

  • CityStudio SFU Posters

    CityStudio SFU Posters

    CityStudio, a multi-university collaboration institute working with the City of Vancouver, hired me to design a series of six information posters for their SFU Business students. Each class group had developed a marketing strategy and business development project related to deconstruction in Vancouver. While the research and analysis was great, they needed help creating a…

  • Whistler Ride

    Whistler Ride

    Printed handbill for local cycling team’s annual charity ride from Vancouver to Whistler, British Columbia. Recycled craft stock.

  • Marine Mammal Rescue Centre

    Marine Mammal Rescue Centre

    Concept, design and development of a series of promotional and educational graphics and signage for the Vancouver Aquarium’s Marine Mammal Rescue Centre (MMRC) in Vancouver, a non-profit dedicated to assisting marine mammals in need of help along the British Columbia coastline for 50 years. In preparation for their annual open-house and fundraiser I created a…

  • Penguin Hat

    Penguin Hat

    Promotional handout for the Vancouver Aquarium. I designed the custom die-cut, offset printed run of 4,000. Two creased arcs encourage folding the flat print into a structured visor. Adjustable fit for children and adults. Illustration by New York-based artist Brendan Wenzel.

  • Penguin Point

    Penguin Point

    Design and development of exhibit collateral for the Vancouver Aquarium’s Penguin Point, featuring seven African penguins in a new purpose-built habitat. As an education- and conservation-focused institution, exhibit panels were to function as a second layer—after the excitement of viewing the birds themselves—that could help describe and explain the seen behaviours and significance of these unique…

  • And We Were There

    Proposed advertising campaign to project a new persona—while still showcasing its trust-worthy and veteran reputation—for one of Canada’s most senior naval architectural firms, Robert Allan Ltd., established Vancouver, 1930. The concept I developed, “We’re here. And we were there,”  would play on both those notions by generating nostalgia with the public and industry clients through the use…

  • Clothing Swap

  • Advent Calendar

  • TCR Identity

    TCR Identity

    Identity and applications developed for a local cycling team, Triple Crown Racing. From initial rides together to final vector files, approx. two weeks. Inspired by cycling racing colours of the 1990s and the profile of Vancouver’s notorious ‘triple crown’ mountains: Cypress, Grouse and Seymour. Vancouver, 2011. Part of the development process involved communicating remotely with…

  • Push / Pull

    Push / Pull

    Lamps for kicking, cramming, swinging and hanging. Created in conjunction with Re-Fab: Design for Sail, a partnership between Canada Place and Vancouver Architecture For Humanity Society to repurpose the fabric from the old Canada Place sails. Exhibited at the IDSWest (Interior Design Show West) in 2011. We created a series of material experiments—verbs to push sail with. We…

  • Rescue Stories

    Rescue Stories

    Marketing identity and exhibit graphics for the Vancouver Aquarium’s Fall 2011 promotion, Rescue Stories, highlighting the animals and work the non-profit has done in both rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing or caring for a variety of marine-based animals in its long history of conservation. Key to telling each animal’s story, many of which had resided at…

  • Beaty Museum Displays

    Beaty Museum Displays

    Over the course of nine-months I was contracted to design, illustrate and produce exhibits and graphic collateral for the launch of the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at the University of British Columbia. I created over 100 displays examining a range of ecological, conservation and evolutionary topics, incorporating hundreds of specimens and working in conjunction with the…

  • Biodiversity Illustrations

    Biodiversity Illustrations

    Sample of vector illustrations created from provided imagery and researcher descriptions for the Beaty Biodiversity Museum, Vancouver, 2010–2011.

  • Party Lock

    Hand made in Vancouver, Party Lock is an extended take on the traditional bicycle u-lock. At two-and-a-half feet of zinc-plated steel, it’s designed to secure your bike, your friend’s bike, or your family’s bikes—or anyone else you’re pedalling about with—because those who cycle together stay together. Originally available at Walrus in Vancouver, 2010. Created with…

  • Womens Cycling Camp

    I joined a cycling club in Vancouver this year and they asked me to design a poster for them. Womens Cycling Camp is a month long, bi-weekly set of lessons led by my friend and coach/racer Lisa Howard. It’s for women ages 15-22 that want to learn some organized cycling skills (how to ride a…

  • Healthy Oceans

    Healthy Oceans

    I was contracted by the David Suzuki Foundation to develop a focused online campaign for the environmental organization’s Healthy Oceans initiative. Working with marine mapping data I created a Google Earth fly-over of at-risk ocean areas while designing and coding a website featuring user-submitted videos, an online petition to the federal government, and an embedded…

  • Subtle Forks

    Subtle Forks

    A tangential look at Canadians—who they are, what they like and how they got this way—though the lenses of their contemporary film narratives, settings and characters. A series of films I curated for the fall 2009 screenings at the 221A Artist Run Centre in Vancouver.

  • Lower Vancouver

    Lower Vancouver

    During low tide a 0.5 cubic metre of sand is removed from the Spanish Banks beach in the City of Vancouver, lowering the average elevation of the city by 0.00000000055 per cent. August, 2009. Photography by Jason Edwards. With the assistance of Brian McBay, Michael Johnson, Oliver Li. Poster, shovel and bucket of sand later…

  • Nice Fit

    Nice Fit

    A 16-month design thesis in collaboration with Tobias Ottahal, exploring how objects fit together in subtly satisfying ways. The project developed over two major phases and two manifestations: The table creates indentions for objects to fit into on demand; when the object is removed, the table becomes flat again. In addition to exploring conceptual and…

  • Big Ambition Campaign

    Big Ambition Campaign

    Concept, design and custom fabrication for a bus shelter ad campaign. After securing a $37,000 worth of advertising budget from the City of Vancouver and CBS we created this parallel slogan and graphic identity to run in select shelter spaces. During daylight hours the official poster slogan reads “Small school big ambition” while at night…